Could Brexit create new manufacturing.

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I do think it's a shame that the UK governments over the years have allowed technical colleges to decline in favour of universities.
Totally agree...

Got a degree (when it costed nothing), but the most valued bit over my years in the real world was gleaned from the practical education in a 'tech college' module ...

Sadly now education is big business, and academic 'skills' are replacing on the job knowledge...

In many other European countries they seem to have got the balance a bit better, and education is more of a right and a benefit to a country. Not seen as a 'cash cow' mentality that exists in the UK!

It's going to come back and bite the UK in the bum big time, especially with what is looming shortly!
In many other European countries they seem to have got the balance a bit better, and education is more of a right and a benefit to a country. Not seen as a 'cash cow' mentality that exists in the UK!

My experience of other countries is that they value proper skilled engineers much better than we do in the UK. There is simply a much higher level of respect for them.
My experience of other countries is that they value proper skilled engineers much better than we do in the UK. There is simply a much higher level of respect for them.

Agreed; our building industry is shocking mainly because the lack of skilled engineers, and regulation.
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Why is that?
I actually don't know.....neo liberalism where we flog everything off for a quick buck, perhaps

Maybe it's because money is made faster by wealth destruction than creation.
Who would be an engineer when a hedge fund manager can be made a millionaire in a day.

Maybe it's because universities are now businesses so people are encouraged to do academic courses rather than practical.
My experience of other countries is that they value proper skilled engineers much better than we do in the UK. There is simply a much higher level of respect for them.

I think blue collar workers are undervalued.

Tradesmen for example, electricians, carpenters, builders, heating engineers - all require high levels of skill and knowledge, all I would say equivalent to a degree.
Agreed; our building industry is shocking mainly because the lack of skilled engineers, and regulation.
local authorities approving and signing off rubbish. promoting the use of cheap modern short life alternatives that look and perform dreadfully in no time.
and no doubt taking their backhanders from the construction companies .
Could Brexit create new manufacturing.

British manufacturing relies on parts from the EU. Could this be an opportunity for these parts now being produced in the UK or sourcing out to lets say India or even Africa. ???

Maybe, but we'll probably get them from China or pay more for US products as part of some awesome trade deal.
Britain's vital Scotch Egg industry leaps forward.


"Pubs scramble to secure scotch eggs as demand booms
UK Covid rules deeming the snack a ‘substantial’ meal prompt sharp surge in sales"
Overpaid smug tossas who sneer from behind their desks?

A country led by a posh boy with a second-class classics degree, and a cabinet packed with his chums, does not demonstrate a grasp of industry and commerce.
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