America again

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Not much difference between Trumps attitude and that of remainers.
Both refuse to accept the will of the people.

Your spot on..... I dont agree with trump. Its the monster the left and remainers have created
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Now that the proverbial's starting to hit the fan, we'll see more of this ...

Cathy McMorris Rodgers reverses course....

rats, sinking ship.

Its the monster that Trump and RWRs have created

"Ninety minutes before rioters stormed Capitol Hill, US president Donald Trump addressed many of the same people using unequivocally inciteful language. “You’ll never take back our country with weakness,” Mr Trump said. “You have to show strength.

His personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, also called on the crowd to conduct “trial by combat”.

"After supporters stormed the Capitol, Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter, called them “American patriots” in a tweet she later deleted."
"One reason why the mob so easily breached Congress is because many of the Capitol Hill police officers were clearly in sympathy. Some even took selfies with the insurrectionists inside the Capitol building.

The contrast with how Black Lives Matter protesters were treated last June when law enforcement violently cleared Lafayette Square to make way for Mr Trump’s photo-op was glaring.

Had African-American protesters tried to storm Capitol Hill, or the White House, there can be little doubt that bullets would have been used."
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"Shortly before Congress was invaded, Mitch McConnell, the outgoing Senate majority leader, had repudiated Mr Trump’s attempts to declare the election a fraud. Critics will say Mr McConnell’s surprisingly forceful address was a day late and a dollar short. But he was able to state reality forcefully when it mattered.

The same cannot be said of Ted Cruz, the Texan senator, Josh Hawley, the Missouri senator, and more than 100 of their colleagues in both houses. Their theatrical protest against the election certification was interrupted by a real-life assault on the building in which they were speaking.

In his speech, Mr Cruz said the fact that so many Americans believed the election was a fraud posed “a profound threat to our country”. Here was a classic case of the arsonist posing as a firefighter.

Fifteen minutes later, the session was abruptly halted. As senators were being hurried to safety by Capitol Hill police, Mitt Romney, the Utah senator, who has been a rare Republican voice warning of Mr Trump’s authoritarianism, yelled to GOP colleagues: “This is what you’ve gotten.” He was right."
It was great how there was no smashing the place up, fires, looting, turning over cars and the other usual stuff typical of certain recent protests about other stuff that matters.

Just people milling around. Nice powerful but peaceful protest.
Pipe bombs found and a woman shot dead...

Although ironically she was apparently a fervent Trump supporter...

And Trump still has his finger on the button!

Update: Washington DC police say that four people have died during the violent pro-Trump riot in the city.

But incidentally, what 'certain recent protests' are you referring to?
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Funny how nobody is outraged at white people looting government buildings, but if a black man loots a shoe shop all guns come out blazing.

Watching news.. they are not all white... let's see what the the reaction will be now that a white trump supporter has been killed. We know what the reaction would be if this was BLM and a black woman killed.

Edit: 4 dead now.
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This is what it essentially boils down to. Trump was raised on a mantra of 'win win win' and 'failure is NEVER an option.' He lost the election and is incapable of accepting and/or believing the outcome. So he continues his completely unfounded 'rigged' and 'fake news' rhetoric. Sad thing is, tens of millions of Americans seem to continually buy it.

Twitter and Facebook have now banned him from posting.
Minor. Blown up out of all proportion.

Like the only violence constantly mentioned by the alarmist press, was the poor woman actually shot inside the place by the trigger happy cops.

The Washington post is suggesting there are four dead.
We know what the reaction would be if this was BLM and a black woman killed.
Yep, of course they'd be storming into Congress wouldn't they?

Oops, BLM never did that did they! :rolleyes:
Yep, of course they'd be storming into Congress wouldn't they?

Oops, BLM never did that did they! :rolleyes:

I dont agree with whats going on. Trump has gone too far.
The police i think have sympathy with protesters. But thats what happens when the President election doesn't support them.
Biden won election , democracy should be respected. You haven't respected democracy.
Your spot on..... I dont agree with trump. Its the monster the left and remainers have created
Bodd please stop saying utter nonsense.

Trump uses lies and manipulation to win support.
Boris Johnson used Trump strategy to win

You voted for Johnson, for are part of the problem.

You are the monster and frankly your post disgusts me
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