America again

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More guns than people in America and most of them are in the hands of Trump supporters.
If Trump gets arrested for making inflammatory statements he knows it will make him look like a victim of some sort of conspiracy and that will make him martyr in the eyes of his supporters.
If he doesn't get arrested he will just keep on winding people up.
He is in a win win situation and he knows it.
Funny how nobody is outraged at white people looting government buildings, but if a black man loots a shoe shop all guns come out blazing.
Funny how nobody is outraged at white people looting government buildings, but if a black man loots a shoe shop all guns come out blazing.

That would depend on the brand of shoes...

Shocked how lame were the Washington police..... maybe they are on the side of Trump...
America, being made Great Again.

I'm all for tough police. The same as this country they need to show you can't fůck with the law...
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