
Basically the capitalist system is f*cked for the vast majority of people..

Not so sure about that. It's f'd in some countries. More so in some than others. The basic problem is that manufacture tends to go to cheaper countries however as living standards improve the cost of their stuff increases. The buyers of the products finish up mostly importing.

The UK has a financial aspect which is there for historic reasons. That leaves service sector jobs and design. Dyson is an extreme example of design. Succeeded eventually and did make in the UK. The trouble with making is that what is needed has to be around, Specialised parts and materials. Eventually he was importing so much that it didn't make sense to make here. He will be profit motivated as well. The extra parts etc are other businesses so there is a sort of spin off and probably more spinning of those. The car etc industry tends to work that way. Some of that has been down to being in the EU. Value has been added here so can be sold tariff free in the EU. I assume that still applies.

People here can design stuff and say have it made in China and then sell it. You may have heard of kickstarter for instance. Trying to do the same thing entirely here is far more difficult.

Don't get me wrong we can and do make some stuff here but there is a big wide world out there looking for business. Ideally they need to make stuff that lots buy and sell world wide That is even harder. Often millions need to be put in to develop what ever it is and plant to make it.
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you must have a manufacturing base as you cant add enough value via the internet to support the economy
iff you buy from other shores, the money goes out off this economy
this country seem to thrive on dodgy money invested in property ruining the first time market and destroying the housing market turning it from a well controlled social and local based focused area with restrictions and fair housing restriction with direct focus based on local solution to a free for all stuff the people its only an investment with profit the main concern rather than a social need connected to a reasonable return
Is that what's happened in the last 50 years or so?

In the early 60s, my Mum bought a house for £4000, I believe.

Scale it up to today and its value is far less that what she would get if she sold it now.
The BOE/Gov is terrified about the housing market having the rug pulled from under it.

They have good reason to as well because it is about the only industry Britain has left

That's about the size of it. There is an unhealthy obsession with the value of what should be homes and the goverment are happy to fuel this.
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The populations housing problems are in many ways down to returns on money when some one has some or can borrow it. Best available return on the money that is put in. This seems to apply to property in general even commercial. Mortgages to let are interesting. The return on the mortgage may be relatively low but the value of the property increases.

The first step in allowing prices to increase when they already were was salaries counted to determine the level of mortgage that could be obtained. Couples. One earning more than the other so count all of one and 1/2 of the other. Later on both salaries completely. Low deposits have figured. Then comes a bit of a price collapse end result people with mortgages and negative equity as the value of their property has fallen. Some landlords bleating for the same reason.

It is a fact though that buying a house has never been that easy for a lot of people. Some compare ratios based on earnings in the past and house prices in the past and say there is little change really. Loads of council houses aren't there any more or being built. The cost of living in one of those was a lower than paying a mortgage and included a number of maintenance aspects.

One way around it all was part ownership deals. May still be. Buy off a company and they retain some of the value. When the property is sold they get their share back.;) My wife had one of those and wasn't aware of it. My brother made good use of it. Later after a couple of moves he went for an interest only mortgage. Bad choice in my view but the time to pay it off came. He got enough out of it to buy another property but something of a move down. Very decent detached to a semi. He's happy but has been a bit upset on what needed to be done to the semi but has added value to that. Just more work than expected.
The populations housing problems are in many ways down to returns on money when some one has some or can borrow it. Best available return on the money that is put in. This seems to apply to property in general even commercial. Mortgages to let are interesting. The return on the mortgage may be relatively low but the value of the property increases.

The first step in allowing prices to increase when they already were was salaries counted to determine the level of mortgage that could be obtained. Couples. One earning more than the other so count all of one and 1/2 of the other. Later on both salaries completely. Low deposits have figured. Then comes a bit of a price collapse end result people with mortgages and negative equity as the value of their property has fallen. Some landlords bleating for the same reason.

It is a fact though that buying a house has never been that easy for a lot of people. Some compare ratios based on earnings in the past and house prices in the past and say there is little change really. Loads of council houses aren't there any more or being built. The cost of living in one of those was a lower than paying a mortgage and included a number of maintenance aspects.

One way around it all was part ownership deals. May still be. Buy off a company and they retain some of the value. When the property is sold they get their share back.;) My wife had one of those and wasn't aware of it. My brother made good use of it. Later after a couple of moves he went for an interest only mortgage. Bad choice in my view but the time to pay it off came. He got enough out of it to buy another property but something of a move down. Very decent detached to a semi. He's happy but has been a bit upset on what needed to be done to the semi but has added value to that. Just more work than expected.

The housing problems we are experiencing (shortage of housing / steep house price increases / houses being built in every nook and cranny causing overcrowding and traffic problems) are due to the 10 million foreigners imported by Tony Blair and subsequent governments.
The housing problems we are experiencing (shortage of housing / steep house price increases / houses being built in every nook and cranny causing overcrowding and traffic problems) are due to the 10 million foreigners imported by Tony Blair and subsequent governments.
No, they are due to right wing politics known as free market capitalism

which you support
No, they are due to right wing politics known as free market capitalism

which you support

How would you provide permanent accommodation for 10 million people at short notice?
No, they are due to right wing politics known as free market capitalism

which you support

I didn't bother replying to him. Shortage of houses crap - how many people live on the streets? State of housing stock and suitability is a totally different area. Knock them all down and build again? Some of that is going on also using excess land even on a single property for more building.

What is happening is more apartment style living. Rabit warrens of smaller cheaper properties and always some more for various income levels.

Build an excess to bring prices down. Who's going to build a house unless they are sure of selling it. There have been TV reports showing miles and miles of empty houses. Think it was Spain. I had a trog around Turkey a few years ago. Abandoned projects and extremely high levels of apartment living. I've seen that elsewhere as well. Finland springs to mind and people moaning they can't afford a house. Houses on the market here - a proportion finish up rented especially at the lower end but not always.
How would you provide permanent accommodation for 10 million people at short notice?
If that is correct which I don't think it is looks like the original population is on the decline and birthrates suggest that it is. :mrgreen: I suspect I know what you will think about that but again it will be untrue.
The housing problems we are experiencing (shortage of housing / steep house price increases / houses being built in every nook and cranny causing overcrowding and traffic problems) are due to the 10 million foreigners imported by Tony Blair and subsequent governments.
Another convenient hook for andy11 on which to hang his febrile imagined, bigoted comments
The housing problems we are experiencing (shortage of housing / steep house price increases / houses being built in every nook and cranny causing overcrowding and traffic problems) are due to the 10 million foreigners imported by Tony Blair and subsequent governments.

Trecherous politicians. Another reason for unaffordable housing, particularly in London/South East, is allowing Russian and Chinese billionaires to launder their dodgy money into property - pushing up prices for everyone. Great for our rulers' property portfolios. Once again, trecherous politicians.
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