Loads of Albanians

But can you confidently say they won't?
You can equally say they will. Actually a very high proportion will want a job. Something they can't have until processed.
Stupid argument anyway - why don't you switch to economic migrants. I mean there are loads of those in the boats.

That some how the UK runs the port of Calais
Actually if you passed through Calais you would know there are Brits working there. Customs types.
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Actually if you passed through Calais you would know there are Brits working there. Customs types.
And there are French ones over here. In Dover. Customs types but I don’t think the boat migrants pass them on their way over.
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Generally, the remainers on here.
Another one who can't (or won't ) differentiate between granting genuine asylum seekers sanctuary and suggesting the UK should welcome anyone and everyone.
But you are going round in circles with this, there is no requirement for asylum seekers to seek asylum in the first safe country.
You might not like that, you obviously disagree with that, but it's the way it is.

And why should UK not take a fair share of asylum seekers, voluntarily?
It's worse than that really. Some ignore that there are several basic problems.

1) Arrivals
2)Processing them
3)Doing something with them. Remaining and etc.

They are all aspects that are the way things currently are. Many blame all sorts of things for the problem. SEP isn't uncommon put unfortunately it is our problem. Number 3) The rules in that area are as they are.

There are also many millions of people who for various reason do not want to live where they are. Pretty eye watering numbers.

The system is broken and has been breaking for some time. Years in fact.

Look at this guy, goodness look at the pic of him on the boat. He's evidently mentally and physically broken. He looks destitute, in need of a good meal and wash. The poor guys at the end of his tether ...
How long can you last without food and water. One person who was literally smuggled most of the way mentioned how often he was fed. He's working here now. Sometime charity helps. People might freeze to death at times without that. Let them die on the way? Smugglers who offer an a to b service is one things. Those that make their own way another.

Then just for fun concentrate on one source and forget the rest which easily outnumber them. Also ignore the problems.
I am sure you now understand brexit didnt sort the issue though ?
Can anyone tell me why it could? Boarder controls now aren't really any different to when we were in. Passport needed.

Whoops, edit. Other than the intention to add more on stuff not related to people. Held off due to increased cost of goods if they did it.
Somebody else failing to understand.

I am sure you now understand brexit didnt sort the issue though ?
My wife works for the NHS. There was a daily reminder going round the whole system offering to help all those EU workers in the NHS that wanted to remain in the U.K. as well as posters everywhere to complete their application for the EU settlement scheme a long, long time before the cutoff date. Those that didn’t bother didn’t bother for a reason. It’s not true to say that existing EU workers were just forced out of the NHS.
My wife works for the NHS. There was a daily reminder going round the whole system offering to help all those EU workers in the NHS that wanted to remain in the U.K. as well as posters everywhere to complete their application for the EU settlement scheme a long, long time before the cutoff date. Those that didn’t bother didn’t bother for a reason. It’s not true to say that existing EU workers were just forced out of the NHS.
Whats that got to do with the immigration issue ?
Can anyone tell me why it could? Boarder controls now aren't really any different to when we were in. Passport needed.

Whoops, edit. Other than the intention to add more on stuff not related to people. Held off due to increased cost of goods if they did it.
I cant tell you why brexit was supposed to cure it.

But it was 1 of the major arguments for it. And with mottie and others thinking that those who wanted to remain were in favour of open door immigration, proves that brexit was about immigration . In their minds at least
Whats that got to do with the immigration issue ?
I thought someone was hinting at the fact that there could be NHS/Care home workers coming over on those boats because the 'nasty Tories’ had sent all the EU NHS workers home after Brexit.
I thought someone was hinting at the fact that there could be NHS/Care home workers coming over on those boats because the 'nasty Tories’ had sent all the EU NHS workers home after Brexit.
So you do fail to understand that people who want an effective immigration issue are not wanting an open door policy.

How did brexit help with the issue ?
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