Kwasi Kwarteng

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Hey it's like the movies!! And Star Trek!

The black guy always takes one for the team.


Quick, we need another black guy or it'll look racist.
Can anyone think of a gentleman or lady of colour? Chancelloring experience would be relevant.
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I have a half day free next week, if Liz Truss wants a temporary chancellor. ;)
There is an old adage of be careful what you ask for. In this case a maid in a tank does not make a PM.
LOL. I wonder how many of the snakes are contemplating the error of their ways.
Boris would have got them back under the governance of the eu but he wasn't doing it fast enough so had to go.
One of them had to go. She really has to get her ar$e in gear if she is not going to be next.
Doesn't matter what they do now, come next election they'll be out. It's tipped beyond any retrievable point.
So they've conspired between (liblabcon scotsnats) them to get us back under the auspices of the eu because the electorate are left with no other choice.
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