Meeting affordable housing quotas, as long as it doesn't reduce your profits

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This is the normal, everyday modus operandi between councils and builders. Get the pp, agree x% affordable housing units, get going and say, "We'll go under if you force the affordable bit."

Councils should have in law, the right to buy a percentage of all properties built on volume sites; at a pre agreed, cost price. These could then be administered by housing associations under strict pricing rules. Oh, and they must be the first homes completed. Just in case.
Why do we need new houses, affordable or not? None of them would be needed if we weren't importing so many people.

It's a case of "address the primary problem".
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Because the population is growing. One leads to the other.
The indigenous population is rising really pretty certain they keep telling us its actually falling hence the need for immigration
The answer is to cap the value of land by giving Council's the right to buy land at existing site value rather than development value, truly affordable homes can then be built.

The indigenous population is rising really pretty certain they keep telling us its actually falling hence the need for immigration
Yes, something like that. Either way, the question was why do we need more houses, and it is because we have more people now than before.
Yes, something like that. Either way, the question was why do we need more houses, and it is because we have more people now than before.

Why do you think we need more people?
This is the normal, everyday modus operandi between councils and builders. Get the pp, agree x% affordable housing units, get going and say, "We'll go under if you force the affordable bit."
Not only does the affordable housing quota shrink, the promised school, medical centre and public open space also fail to appear.
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