Meeting affordable housing quotas, as long as it doesn't reduce your profits

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Every new estate has a quota of affordable housing.
No it doesn't...

80% of market value isn't 'affordable' to most people!

Plus as has been stated earlier, developers have a way of getting around such things with the help of a brown envelope or two (n)
If they reach retirement age, i.e. not working, then their eligibility fails.
They spend their working lives in the UK, paying taxes and national insurance and you think they should be deported.
Are you being serious.
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Brown envelopes? Typical Tory greed. ;)
It's not just the tories, but every politician from every party taking a slice of the cake.
Of course, the biggest slice goes to the khant midget who managed to build shoeboxes 20 storeys high everywhere and had the cheek of calling them "homes".
They're dormitories.
I believe the khant is labour.
Every new estate has a quota of affordable housing.
it comes back to the real issue.

They are only affordable if earnings match. How many people with their own house(s) in here could afford to buy their 1st house now.

it appears to be the deposit amount that stops people getting a mortgage. As a nation we seem to be too keen on selling our property to people\business that don't even live, or pay taxes here. Forcing prices up but not matching incomes.
Millions aren't coming here.
Already addressed umpteen times, but without digging up the figures yet again, I'll say that the population has increased by over 10 millions in the years since Blair became PM, most of those being foreign born or the offspring of the foreign born. This is the largest increase in our population, in such a period of time, ever. Blair started it and all subsequent governments have continued it.

Who do you expect to pay for your pension then Andy?
I don't expect anyone to fund my pension other than myself.

If you say we need foreigners for tax revenues, I'd counter by saying that public spending is too high. I remember Blair and Brown's government increasing pensions and other state benefits hugely (and unnecessarily). This was done with much fanfare and to the delight of lefties everywhere. At the same time as this, Blair was starting to open the borders.

It's not just the tories, but every politician from every party taking a slice of the cake.
Of course, the biggest slice goes to the khant midget who managed to build shoeboxes 20 storeys high everywhere and had the cheek of calling them "homes".
Same is happening in Manchester (Labour). Soviet style apartment blocks springing up everywhere, with no gardens or parking spaces. The majority of the residents in these are those people described in my first paragraph of this post.
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