The first asylum seekers have arrived at a former RAF airbase.

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The reason the system doesn't work is because no effort has been put into it until very recently.

What's needed is change, re focus on what the voting public want.

Not voting or just voting for somebody that won't get into power but is just a protest will be wasted and we will just get more of the same
I've read it twice but still have no idea what your point is.

Who do you think I should vote for or not vote for?

UKIP had a major effect on the UK despite not getting elected, they caused panic due to the share of the vote it got, resulting in the referendum. Rights and wrongs of Brexit aside, this proves that any party can affect the country without getting elected.

The Lib Dems got enough seats to get involved in government, at the top. They wasted the opportunity, but at least they proved that it could be done, and should know better the next time they get in.

A vote for Labour or Tory is a vote for more of the same crap.
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You said you put a lot of thought into who to vote for.

Then you say, you will vote for anybody but Tory or Labour.

Not really thinking about the policies and performances, just a reaction/protest.

Which is all fair enough. But your comments are polar opposites, so when do we believe you?
You said you put a lot of thought into who to vote for.

Then you say, you will vote for anybody but Tory or Labour.

Not really thinking about the policies and performances, just a reaction/protest.

Which is all fair enough. But your comments are polar opposites, so when do we believe you?
I've lost track of what you're trying to prove or disprove...

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I've read it twice but still have no idea what your point is.

Who do you think I should vote for or not vote for?

UKIP had a major effect on the UK despite not getting elected, they caused panic due to the share of the vote it got, resulting in the referendum. Rights and wrongs of Brexit aside, this proves that any party can affect the country without getting elected.

The Lib Dems got enough seats to get involved in government, at the top. They wasted the opportunity, but at least they proved that it could be done, and should know better the next time they get in.

A vote for Labour or Tory is a vote for more of the same crap.

The Tories gave us Austerity - then as the effects of that failure started to come through they gave us Brexit to cover.

They then tried to lay the blame of their policies on anyone but themselves.
I've read it twice but still have no idea what your point is.
I went the extra mile and got up to five before I called it a day, probably because I always had at the back of my mind that labour and the Tories have a proven track record in ripping up manifestos, openly lying, (was the Lisbon treaty just a tidying up exercise according to one labour mp Gordon Brown bottled out and sent his minion Milliband to sign it) entering into illegal wars, etc etc.
We live in hope that will all change at the next election.
Like fu*k
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Cropped post again not reflecting what was being defined.
It was the full sentence, the rest is irrelevant. But here you go,

I went the extra mile and got up to five before I called it a day, probably because I always had at the back of my mind that labour and the Tories have a proven track record in ripping up manifestos, openly lying, (was the Lisbon treaty just a tidying up exercise according to one labour mp Gordon Brown bottled out and sent his minion Milliband to sign it) entering into illegal wars, etc etc.
We live in hope that will all change at the next election.
Like fu*k

Well you won't be voting, hope is all you have.
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