GB News

Some people on here have a short memory.... the bbc enabled jimmy saville to keep being a pedophile
for at least 20yrs what a great institution
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Than don’t watch it or tune into it

Only time I have really heard about this GB news is in here

Only time I have heard about there views or remit is from people in here ?

Although it has been reported on the main stream news in the last few days

Debate ?? Political views ? Ect

Good luck with that

This forum is a classic example
We are all entrenched in our opinions and pretty much f all will change some one’s mind
This forum, which is diy, isn't beamed out live to the general public, plus there is a far wider range of views than gb news, remoaners wouldn't be given anywhere near the air time they get here.

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Well my assumption, listening to Lawrence's comments about Ava is that he must be bent.
He's just a bitter, hateful man. Somebody needs to give him a good slap and tell him his opinions are totally barmy and to get a grip!

He'll probably be setting fire to effigies of blond women in his next Twitter video.
If anything it brings balance as most media leans towards the left
That is completely untrue.

the right have controlled the media for many years.

just because GB news presents a more right wing perspective does not make it propaganda
Its propaganda because it spreads lies and misinformation

i do not think that right wing views are represented on the mainstream tv and radio media
Simply untrue.

For example it’s a trope to claim BBC is left wing biased, it’s not….it’s scared of being defunded or not getting MPs to interview - the easy interviews Laura Kuenssberg being a typical example.

another example is BBC having “expert guests” on current affairs but don’t announce they are from libertarian lobby groups like IEA (Kate Andrews is an example)

Nigel Farage was on QT 32 times

you probably think Sky, Channel 4 and ITV are left wing biased because they have the temerity to hold Tory politicians to account somewhat.

let’s look at LBC: plenty of right wing presenters on there: Nick Ferrari, Tom Swarbrick, Iain Dale, Rachel Johnson, Camilla Tominey. They also used to have Nigel Farage, Rees Mogg, Katie Hopkins.
Basically in there world any one who voted brexit is a right wing extremist

Any one who questions migration is a right wing extremist

Notch was a brexit votor there fore a right wing extremist but he was re educated and saw the light ???
logical fallacy: appeal to extremes
logical fallacy: appeal to extremes

Don’t really know what you are on about

You don’t come across as and I have never taken you for a previous

racist ?

Trump supporter ?

Right wing extremist ?

Flag waving Gammon ??

But if I apply some in here’s logic ? You must have been at some point because you voted brexit ?
let’s look at LBC: plenty of right wing presenters on there: Nick Ferrari, Tom Swarbrick, Iain Dale, Rachel Johnson, Camilla Tominey. They also used to have Nigel Farage, Rees Mogg, Katie Hopkins.
And on the left I give to you, master of mirth, the one and only James O'Brien who got sacked from newsnight for droning on and on about Brexit not being good for the country, when it clearly has been (till the blob, civil servants got their way, jeez they might have to do some work instead of rubber stamping dictats from them 'democrats' in Brussels lol.)
And on the left I give to you, master of mirth, the one and only James O'Brien who got sacked from newsnight for droning on and on about Brexit not being good for the country,
Too honest and blunt for the Beeb. Broke their impartiality rules is all and refused to back down.

The truth is a tough one for the RWR.
Making our politicians more accountable?
It has been shown in seven years what poor quality on all sides of the house we have as our representatives.
The fact they're steering the country down the associate membership route speaks volumes and further makes the case for ridding us of the lot of them
The forthcoming election gives us the choice between the left buttock or the right buttock, better known as two cheeks of the same ar*e.
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