This year's new council tax rate

12 Jul 2004
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United Kingdom
Actual amount for next year not yet released in my area yet [Reigate and Banstead ]but can find next years amount on "pay amount to council tax" as outstanding amount then next years as an amount you can pay now including marches payment actual rise seems to be about 4.6%??

does this work in your area ??
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A local Councillor told me recently (IIRC) that ours would be 3.9%

I understood this was to squeeze in under a 4% limit.

Apparently our Borough is not as near bankruptcy as some.

A lot of ours goes to the county and the police, not under the borough's control.
Actual amount for next year not yet released in my area yet [Reigate and Banstead ]but can find next years amount on "pay amount to council tax" as outstanding amount then next years as an amount you can pay now including marches payment actual rise seems to be about 4.6%??

does this work in your area ??
Tried that and mine said £0.00 owing.
i think mine is limited to 5% - so usually goes up by 4.99999% increase
West Sussex council
that was the amount 23/24 and i expect the same 24/25
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I'm sure I read that Khan is getting an extra 8.6%, so anyone in Greater Londinistan is going to get stung . (the 8.6% is not on the whole council tax bill, just the GLA bit)
Yes, that's correct.
The emperor of Londinstan is taxing us to the bones.
And some ******* still vote for him.
I can only assume that his voters are unemployed and fully on benefits, living off taxpayer's money.
Hopefully they'll all die early from heart attack for doing sweet fukk all all day everyday.
Woking is anticipated to be 5% and the controlling Liberals are asking for people in bigger homes to contribute more. As yet the people suggesting this haven’t declared their extra payments to lead by example.

There’s no clear information about how much revenue is growing via ALL the extra homes being built OR exactly how it’s spent. Talk about smoke and mirrors

I simply think that everybody needs to pay more
Hopefully they'll all die early from heart attack for doing sweet fukk all all day everyday.

It is usually considered impolite to mention that Brexers and Conservatives are predominantly aged, causing their numbers to dwindle and removing popular support from their policies.

Surely the same should apply to Londoners.
Woking is anticipated to be 5% and the controlling Liberals are asking for people in bigger homes to contribute more. As yet the people suggesting this haven’t declared their extra payments to lead by example.

There’s no clear information about how much revenue is growing via ALL the extra homes being built OR exactly how it’s spent. Talk about smoke and mirrors

I simply think that everybody needs to pay more
That's the point.

We all want services but not to have to pay for them.

I've never known so many councils to be in so much financial trouble. It has to be more than just local issues causing it.
Some people dislike public services so much that they vote for politicians who promise to cut them.
I have known voters who ignore the manifest incompetence in financial affairs of local councils & they vote for those parties that just blame central government.
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