The NHS does not belong to doctors.

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You either contribute or you don't...

And you're either entitled regardless of whether or not you contribute, or you get cut out of the system for not contributing regardless of the reason...

If that's the rules then that's the rules.

So I'm clear. Your happy for someone from anywhere in the world to come for a holiday and get treatment for what ever they need treatment for?
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People get so worked up about a tiny percentage of foreign 'abusers' of the system that they fail to see the elephant in the room...

You cannot be certain that the tiny figures really are that tiny, the tiny is dependent and based on those being caught out, there will be many more that don't get counted by the NHS system. The governments figures on illegal immigrants entering the country are far short of the true number who enter, why should the NHS numbers be any more true?
So I'm clear. Your happy for someone from anywhere in the world to come for a holiday and get treatment for what ever they need treatment for?
Which bit of the following can't you comprehend? :rolleyes:

I'm not saying that we should offer healthcare to 'anybody from any country on this earth'
Health tourists they’re called and they are costing the NHS, ultimately paid for by us, millions of pounds. What’s wrong with asking for that proof?

If you're a doctor, and there is a sick person needing help, you give advice to help them, along with a prescription if needed. Your primary duty is to help the sick. Doctors are already under huge pressure to see patients in a given time, and extra paper work of investigating every person that walks through the door is not something many have the resources to do.

For years doctors keep getting blamed for the failing NHS. It is not their fault - again, it's the government's fault. If NHS tourism was such a big issues for the country, the government would put resources into place to stop it.

Please stop blaming doctors. Blame the system, not the doctors.
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Please stop blaming doctors. Blame the system, not the doctors

That is particularly symptomatic of the Brexit debate.........and current politics in general.

Health tourism.......conflate it to NHS failings.

Romanian pickpockets......conflate it to a all immigration which conflates to free movement of people and thus the EU.

Stagnation of wages.....conflate it to the fault of the EU.

Increase in inequality especially North vs rich London: conflate it to blame the EU rather than UK politics.
Go and see a private doctor then. See if he’s prepared to let you walk in, get treated and walk back out again. In fact, private doctors and consultants are often the same doctors you see working for the NHS.
I am obviously missing something in this debate so kindly help me.

The NHS has seen it'd funding steadily reduced over the years, hundreds of wards closed, therefore thousands of beds are no longer available.

The indigenous population is increasing, hundreds of thousands of immigrants are coming into the country but some how we don't need to worry about anything.

I have to admit that dispute all the assurances posted above, I and many more people remain unconvinced.

Please don't stoop to the level of "I am too thick to understand" just provide conclusive, simple to read and understand argument.

Thank you.

Please don't stoop to the level of "I am too thick to understand" just provide conclusive, simple to read and understand argument.
Rather than putting most of the blame on immigrants as some do (immigrants without whom the NHS would collapse), have you ever considered the fact that people are living longer because of medical advances and thus there are more demands on the service?

Simple enough for you?
The NHS has seen it'd funding steadily reduced over the years, hundreds of wards closed, therefore thousands of beds are no longer available

So wgere does the blame for that lie?
Ans=UK government

The indigenous population is increasing, hundreds of thousands of immigrants are coming into the country but some how we don't need to worry about anything.
Nobody said we dont need to worry about anything.

There are about 1million overstayers here
Whose fault is that?

When the Eastern block countries joined, there was the opportunity to restrict free movement, Blai and others didnt impose
Whose fault is that?

The UK economy needs workers to keep it going, in care homes NHS, fruit picking, hospitality etc -without immigration how do you think these jobs would get filled.

So given the above, UK governments have been aware of immigration levels, but they did not extend infrastructure to cope.
Whose fault is that.

lease don't stoop to the level of "I am too thick to understand" just provide conclusive, simple to read and understand argument
See above.

And think on this: these problems have been created by successive UK governments, do you think they would blame themselves or direct it at 'immigration', or 'the EU?

If you still believe immigration and the EU are to blame, Im happy to discuss -I dont consider anybody thick from either side and am happy to share alternative viewpoints.
The NHS has seen it'd funding steadily reduced over the years, hundreds of wards closed, therefore thousands of beds are no longer available.

The indigenous population is increasing, hundreds of thousands of immigrants are coming into the country but some how we don't need to worry about anything.

I would imagine that is very wrong. The NHS funding has gone up in leaps and bounds since its inception, the problem is the beds and care costs have risen dramatically to absorb the increased funding. We have many more health issues which can be fixed, people live much longer, there are more people, more surviving to old age and need much more health care for a much longer period of time, equipment has become so much more expensive.
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