
  1. M

    Fibres in masonry paint? 1930s house asbestos??

    Hi we've just bought and are doing up a 1930s house that has cast concrete faux stone blocks on the front. These have been painted quite thickly with masonry paint and there are lots of large air bubbles and the concrete blocks are quite crumbly below. We are trying to remove the paint as it has...
  2. L

    Asbestos undercloak

    Following a survey we have been told we may have an asbestos undercloak on our roof verge. We need the pointing repaired which I think is right next to it. The survey said ‘low risk’ but remove if doing building work. I guess this is building work right next to it. Should it affect the works...
  3. F

    Asbestos garage roof

    Hi. We are looking into converting our garage, which currently has an asbestos roof. Does the roof actually need replacing if it is still in good condition? Also, is there something that can be used to cover the inside of the roof and store insulation? We were quoted £10,000 for a new flat...
  4. N

  5. L

    Artex Showing through new plaster skim?

    Hello, I bought a 1930s house a few years ago and all the walls had been newly skimmed. However on one wall there were small circular patterns slightly showing through. It had been painted onece also and only visible when close up. When coming to decorate I sanded down the walls where the...
  6. N

    Asbestos board? Airing cupboard

    Understand only way to know for sure is to have it tested, but wanted to get opinions first from people with way more experience than me. Does this look like asbestos? Appears to be three layers, some brown paper and skimmed over. Found in early 60s home in airing cupboard above the door.
  7. D

    Gas pipe wrap

    Hi, does anyone know what this material is around the gas pipe that comes into my house? It’s brown/black and quite sticky. Anyone know why it was used? Gas leak?
  8. D

    Possible Asbestos - 1960s fireplace

    Hi there. I moved into a 1960s house (UK). As far as I’m aware, the previous owner used to have a gas fire, which they then removed. They blocked off the fireplace and boarded over it. I had knocked through this to install a log burner. There are a couple of sheets that look to have been over...
  9. T

    Help needed! Asbestos tile removal and Arditex NA

    Hi there, first time poster so be gentle : ) The problem: - Have a hallway with presumed asbestos vinyl tiles. - Got a quote to take these up, but contractor said they would leave the bitumen adhesive in place, and just spray a PVA solution on this as an encapsulation. - They said this would...
  10. U

    Plasterboard or Asbesto?

    Just moved into a new flat that was built in the 60s. There are some polystyrene tiles on the ceiling of one of two of the rooms, I just wanted to see what the condition was underneath and am concerned if the boarding could be asbestos. Does anyone have any suspicions it could be?
  11. Michaela97

    Asbestos? Dupre vermiculite limited Hertford

    Hi, curious to know if anyone had experience with Dupre Vermiculite limited micafil insulation in the 1980/90s. Noticed a few bag of the stuff in my loft and got it tested to make sure it wasn’t contaminated. Though noticed the standard uk testing isn’t the best. Apparently the company was...
  12. Michaela97

    Asbestos? Dupre Vermiculite Limited Micafil insulation

    Hi all, curious to know if anyone had experience with Dupre Vermiculite limited micafil insulation in the 1980/90s. Noticed a few bag of the stuff in my loft and got it tested to make sure it wasn’t contaminated. Though noticed the standard uk testing isn’t the best. Apparently the company was...
  13. D

    Was digging up the garden and hit this. Asbestos?

    I was digging in the garden and hit this. Stopped as soon as I saw it was blue and hairy. I know absolutely nothing about asbestos, so not sure if it should be ringing alarm bells, or I'm being overly cautious. I've already called the pros about coming to look at it, but as they can't come...
  14. D

    Help !! Is this asbestos around my gas pipe?

    Hi all, Can you please help me to try to identify if this pipe, leading from my gas meter through a room in my cellar, is asbestos wrapped? It is very difficult to see from the photos as it has been painted several times in the past but any help would be greatly appreciated !! Many thanks. Darren
  15. G

    Victorian reno asbestos panic

    Hello everyone. This has probably been discussed previously but have not found any informative posts making me feel a bit better. (panic) So as many other fellow DIYers, I have purchased a nice Victorian terraced house built in the 1920s.The big renovations have started today and boy is the...
  16. M

    Can I use a penetrating sealant on concrete if there is black mastic on top of the slab?

    Hey everyone, I had a question about sealing my concrete slab before laying down flooring. I live in a very humid area and my building was built in the 60s, so they did not install a vapor barrier under the concrete slab subfloor. I get a lot of moisture coming up from the concrete so I wanted...
  17. M

    Vinyl Plank help over asbestos and moisture

    Hey everyone! I need some help on how to handle asbestos (non friable black mastic) and a lot of moisture on my concrete slab. I have attached a photo but recently my hardwoods were torn up leaving me with an exposed concrete slab that had asbestos on it. I do not want to pay to abate the...
  18. T

    Not another Asbestos panic post? Sadly so!

    Hey all, I have a September 1994 David Wilson house and we have just gone through some insulation board (that we didnt realise was there) when looking to move the boiler. The board in question is located garage-side of the kitchen/garage divide is thin, grey and has glittery specs. It was...
  19. R

    What’s the likelihood of this fireplace cement containing asbestos?

    I know that you can’t tell from a picture, but this relates to something in the past and we can’t access this to test now. I’m basically just curious and totally clueless so having trouble finding an answer on google - but was asbestos cement used in fireplaces to surround a flue pipe like in...
  20. roboshea

    Storage heater model query

    I'm hoping to identify the brand and model of this storage heater, to assess whether an asbestos removal is required. Unfortunately the previous homeowners painted it all over so it's difficult to identify. To me it looks like the modern slimline type so I'm hopeful that it's asbestos free. If...