soil pipe

  1. S

    is it possible to move a soil pipe to an outside wall

    I’m looking at the possibility of moving a internal soil pipe outside. The soil pipe services an en-suite upstairs wc, shower and basin. Downstairs it services a shower which I intend to remove. The existing pipe runs down the middle of the house and out to an inspection chamber which is...
  2. R

    Soil pipe mayhem

    Hi All We are buying our first property and have what we suspect is an exposed 4" soil pipe running along the kitchen ceiling. The pipe has been boxed in and it's there as a result of an extension. What possibilities are available to fully conceal the pipe or redirect it? We have attached a...
  3. F

    Fitting a soil stack

    Hi All, I need to fit a soil stack for my ensuite bathroom. I have I understand that it has to be above any opening if the opening is less than 3 meters away. My question is Does this apply only if the opening is only on the same wall.. Thanks
  4. M

    En suite soil pipe advice

    I'm considering to build an en suite in the attic room of my house. Its a 1890s terrace fairly standard in the North of England. There is pipework up to the attic level since there was previously some sort of tank or immersion heater in the attic so it should be able to be plumbed in. My concern...
  5. R

    Broken concrete at the base of the soil pipe

    At the base of the soil pipe leading to the drain, there is a hole in the concrete which reveals the main sewer pipe. What is the best way to repair the hole?
  6. I

    Soil pipe inside or outside

    Hi, Need some advice on the soil pipe inside or outside, I have searched on google and read couple of forums but don't find the right or wrong answer of soil pipe being inside or outside the property. We are adding two rooms on the side of the house and one loft into dormer conversion. Please...
  7. 6

    Sealant for cast iron soil pipe

    My cast iron soil pipe does not seem to be leaking, but there are sometimes bad smells - presumably because the joints are in a poor state. Q1 - What should I use to reseal it with? A man who came about the drains suggested chemical metal. But should I use something else instead, such as...
  8. D

    New bathroom pipe run

    Hi I’m installing a new bathroom in a 4ft x 10ft space, with window and two existing outlets beneath it at one end. Outlet 1 was connected to a basin and is 18” above suspended timber floor, leads outside to a cast iron stack. Outlet 2 was connected to a bath and runs from above floor level...
  9. Geordie47x

    Sewer gas

    Ok guys first post here and I need some help. We moved in to our 1965 5 bed hone about 6 weeks ago. It had been empty for about a year prior to our move. the downstairs toilet/cloakroom (built with the house) has quite a nasty smell about it. We have checked all the p-pipes and looked for leaks...
  10. D

    Soil pipe boss connector strap seal and replacement

    Hi all! Got my dad down this weekend to help me sort out a leaking boss strap, and potentially make another one redundant. The bottom one used to be used for the washing machine waste, but a new layout will mean that I either put a sharp corner straight out of the connector, or I connect it to...
  11. G

    Soil stack

    Hi all Need to gain 20 mm height on soil stack,the point where the soil pipe exits the building,I understand water doesn't run up hill only option I seen to have is relocate exit on gable end and bring around corner, completely out the way.I would also run the two external waste...
  12. S

    Cloakroom WC drainage plan

    The background: installing understairs WC wall is adjoining neighbours so drainage to run out to other side of house (about 4.5m to external wall, 6m to 4" stack) hanging sink with this trap
  13. M

    Moving a toilet

    I'm hoping to move a toilet about 1m further along the same outside wall. Unfortunately the place where the waste would ideally go through the outside wall is right in the middle of a brick arch (over the window downstairs) and I'm keen not to drill a big hole in it. Is it sensible to have a...
  14. N

    Air and smells coming up around gap in the soil pipe

    Hi. We had a new soil pipe put in and a new toilet but since the work I have getting a lot of sewage smells coming up around the soil pipe. No leaks anywhere but I have seen that there is a void around the base of the soil stack that air is rising up from. The void is wide enough to put my hand...
  15. robodelfy

    Toilet and soil pipe confusion...

    I'm at the final stages of plumbing in my bathroom, I'm a beginner. As you can see in the photo I have this space saving pan connector, then I have a length of 110mm pipe. I didn't really need this as I'll box it in, and I had black 110mm anyway. Is this the correct way to do it? Pan...
  16. robodelfy

    Down pipe, waste and drain confusion?

    Hi, I'm trying to sort out the back of my terracedhterraced Victorian houseahouse garden. As you can see in the photos, the soil stack ends up just going directly into the ground, where I imagine it bends away from the house and meets the sewage pipe that the neighbours say run horizontally...
  17. robodelfy

    Installing soil stack so it can come apart again easily?

    Hi, I took off my very old soil stack with the intention of getting external wall insulation done. The company could do it in a few weeks which would be fine, but I just heard the news about grants in September for these kinds of jobs, and I'm on borrowed money so I feel it would be best to wait...
  18. G

    Connecting to soil stack

    Hi, I'm currently in the process of building rear exstension, outside directly below kitchen window is the waste gully for sink etc... This has got to be normal but finding it difficult for the best solution. 1- connect directly into soil down pipe 2 metres away directly into branch and blank...
  19. A

    Dismantle cast iron/lead socket joint

    I want to remove a swan neck fitting from the top of a cast iron soil stack which is about 4"/100 mm diameter. This piece attaches to the vertical stack with a lead-sealed socket joint (see sketch). How can I dismantle this joint? I don't want to damage any of the main vertical pipe, including...
  20. Y

    Bathroom toilet smell & soil stack issues...

    Recently bought a bungalow (70 years old-ish). Bad smells coming from around the toilet area periodically. Sometimes when it rains heavily, sometimes with no weather change. I have checked and flushed out the pipes going outside into the manhole, no problems there. So I thought the soil...