A GOOD Camera ???

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Caroline has that camera Moz its brilliant, I've got a couple of big digi camera's for work which are alot better for reproduction fine art prints etc, but that one as a ordinary camera is great and the quality surprised for the cost of it, the only thing against it is its a bit bulky for a camera of its size, I mean it doesn't fit nicely in your pocket but I'd highly recommend it.
I have a casio exilim. very compact. very good pictures for its size. mine is discontinued, it seems they only do 7+ megapixels now! who needs pictures that big? lol. mine is 6 megapixels, plenty big enough
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I agree with Richard, a bit bulky but a top camera, you wont be disappointed with the picture and colour quality
I have its brother the s5500, very pleased with it. and for that price you cant go wrong.

there is one on ebay for £80
only thing i dont like is the strap, if you get one, do tie a knot in the starp (both sides) as it tends to come "undone" i nearly lost a fuji camera that way
I had a Fuji Finepix that went tits up a couple of months after I had it, took it back and had it replaced with the same.That one gave up after about 14 months.I currently have a Kodak which has been trouble free so far in the 2 1/2 years I've had it
must have been you :LOL:

only other trouble i had was with a s700 , i wasnt watching where i was going and walked into a wall, lens first, it didnt work after that :cry: (but that was my fault)
Were you out with Moz at the time? ;)

No offence, my Mancunian Mate!!
I mentioned it to the wife an showed her the pic an she says it looks ugly , shes got a Canon Ixuss 850....
I thought about buying a few for relatives ....I may just get one an give it her parents ..lol

Lol @ gcol/ securespark.....lol...lol...lol..lol :)
I'd get a metal-bodied one, if possible and affordable.
lol....the wife mentioned that as well , saying I bet its very light an plasticcy

have you been ringing my wife ?
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