A Levels too easy?

A levels are a joke these days . GCSE's are not worth the paper they are written on.
Kids (some of these kids are 23 plus when they leave school/college)-- thick as pig muck- No wonder they cant get a job.
Most of them can't even spell - and when it comes to mental arithmatic- -- they have not got a clue at all.

Know why ? because they dont 'have to think' anymore.

So- in answer to the question !! YES- they are far too easy . So many grades- even a 11 year old would pass at some level.

I'd bet you could take a student who has passed 5 or 6 at top level- and place him/her on a checkout at ASDA-- and take away the 'swipe ' adderupperer-- and ask them to tot things up in their head- and they wouldn't have a hope in hell of doing it.
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Have you all missed what diane2 wrote? the A levels nowadays are marked not on the exam alone, but on work the student has submitted throughout the year. Work they can show the teacher, get feedback then go back and change it again and again, collaborate with their classmates.

So a percentage of the A level is based on work produced not under exam conditions. That's the reason why the pass rate is so high, yet teenagers seem dumber.
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Have you all missed what diane2 wrote? the A levels nowadays are marked not on the exam alone, but on work the student has submitted throughout the year. Work they can show the teacher, get feedback then go back and change it again and again, collaborate with their classmates.

So a percentage of the A level is based on work produced not under exam conditions. That's the reason why the pass rate is so high, yet teenagers seem dumber.

That's up scotland.
Have you all missed what diane2 wrote? the A levels nowadays are marked not on the exam alone, but on work the student has submitted throughout the year. Work they can show the teacher, get feedback then go back and change it again and again, collaborate with their classmates.

So a percentage of the A level is based on work produced not under exam conditions. That's the reason why the pass rate is so high, yet teenagers seem dumber.

That's up scotland.
And England.... youngest just gone through it.
Just been having a debate with a mate who's daughter got A*s this week.

I said that I thought they where too easy and should be made more difficult, the national pass rate is 98%. He thinks they should be left alone.

So who is right? are they too easy and dont seperate the really bright students? I thought the whole point of an exam was to distinguish between students.

I've been saying this for years now or at least since the results started improving beyond all recognition. Speak with a teacher and they will bite your head off! As someone who left school in 1977, maybe I have an axe to grind as in how come we have a generation of kids that put mine to shame with their exam results. Well the reality must be that the marking criteria has shifted, or pupils are working much harder or pupils are much cleverer than we were back then :)

so which one is it? I know which one I'd go for....
I wanna know what happened to S levels. They sorted out the men from the boys
The State Scholarships were abolished in 1962 and the exams were then renamed Special Papers.

These were last set in 2001 and then superseded by the Advanced Extension Awards and to some extent by Sixth Term Examination Papers.

Quoted from Wikipedia.
Went in the local Tesco the other day, it came to £1.62, so I gave the young girl £2.12 thinking she would give me 50p :rolleyes:

Nope gave me 38p and my 12p back. :LOL:
Private education to go on to become a tradesman?.... poor return on investment if ever there was one :p
Not all like that, my 25 yrs old daughter proves otherwise.
Thanks Libby,
Has your daugter been working long ? what does she do for a living ?. And- for how long ?.

Not having a go at you sweetheart- I really am interested .

I can tell you are just itching to tell us what she does . :LOL:
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