America again

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Thank for confirming UK could have banned pulse fishing in its waters without leaving the EU.

So not a Brexit benefit at all.....just like the tampon tax.

Yes quite, but what about the fact you were telling lies, 1998 indeed.

The EU voted in Feb 2019 to ban pulse fishing, with effect from mid 2021, but they've made a provision for 6 Dutch boats to be exempt. France made it illegal in French waters in 2019, none of these measures would have stopped them pulse fishing in British waters, which coincidentally are one of the richest fishing grounds for flatfish such as Dover Sole which is the main target of pulse fishing.

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Trump may be impeached.

It would prevent Trump from trying to stand for president in 4 years
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The sad thing is that a lot of those protesters are probably very loyal Americans who are worried about the future, Trump knows this and plays on it.
Trump is a symptom and not the cause of Americas problems.
What gets me, and yes I know this is a simplistic rose-tinted view, is what a shame it is to achieve a position of power to then not use it positively. No this would never have happened cause it's not his makeup, however Trump could have used his term to promote inclusion, equality, fairness, collaboration. Instead he went down the isolationist maga / US first route, peddling division, stoking hatred, literally building a massive border wall, denouncing anything and everything not in his favour as fake news, anyone who countered him labeled a traitor. All the 'drain the swamp' rhetoric, him and his associates have been neck high in various swamps for decades.

He's deluded and, at this stage, dangerous. Apparently, through another person's Twitter account, he's tweeted along the lines of 'a great 1st term comes to an end' or something to that effect. He is genuinely incapable of acknowledging any form of self-negativity. You could imagine him standing in quicksand, slowly sinking but saying 'I'm fine, I'm the greatest, you know it, there's no quicksand that can sink me, none on this planet, none in the universe, I'm completely indestruct ...' (glug glug glug)
Imagine it did break out into civil war in the US. I reckon the army would struggle to get control coz of the amount of gun owning weirdos.
Maybe a coalition of Afghan, Iranian & Iraqi forces could fly over there to sort it out........
Yes quite, but what about the fact you were telling lies, 1998 indeed

It was banned in 1998.
I am right, you are not usual.

Interesting Boris didn't mention 12 fishing boats under a UK flag were sanctioned to use pulse fishing by Tory govt and DEFRA in 2018.
I don't actually care Filly but am quite fascinated. A bit like watching girls fighting
Trump may be impeached.

It would prevent Trump from trying to stand for president in 4 years
There's rumours that his daughter is eyeing up a career in politics. She seems to have the personality of an animatronic droid and the political acumen of a wind-up toy.

Surely the American's wouldn't be that stupid ... would they?

(rhetorical question, I know the answer ;))
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