Amsterdam Pet Shop (NOT Rude Before You Ask!!)

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I made this one up (probably reads like it, too!) and tried it out on the boys, who all groaned.

It seems Dadjokes are just not remotely funny....What do you reckon?

A guy walks into a pet shop in Amsterdam.

The bloke behind the counter asks how he can help the customer.

"I'd like to buy a cat please, but I'd like a local one."

"A local one?", enquires the shopkeeper.

"Yes", says the customer, "How Dutch is that Moggy in the window?"
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I have been reliably informed that a joke with that punchline appeared on Countdown in the days of RW.
Lol. A real groaner. My daughter, nearing 30, would definately call that a Dad joke so it's going in my repertoire!
that joke (?) is worse than any of mine so definately a dad joke~~~~~~ I like it and I too will repeat it to my daughters,.
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My son has just come home with a sofa and an
armchair. He said, “Someone has just given me
these.” So I’ve grounded him. I’ve warned him
about accepting suites from strangers.
Two monkeys decide to run a bath but, with the cost of gas and all that, decide to share it.

They get in, and one goes, "Oo oo aah aah!", to which the other monkey says,

"If it's a bit hot, stick some cold in."

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