Angela Rayner

so did she.

Based on her story - this is a failure to notify, not an incorrect calculation
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It can save a lot of aggro.

Still doesn't mean that any of them (plan drawers) are any help when it comes to ordering steels or other bespoke items. I still end up getting my old pencil out.
Doesn’t the SE specify that?
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Based on her story - this is a failure to notify, not an incorrect calculation

What would the process have been in 2015 if somebody was selling their main home. What forms should have been completed for CGT and what declarations should have been made.
which doesn't seem credible, which is why the story wont go away.
The story won't go away because Tories and the rw media is desperate.

Conservatives are up sh1t creek and all they can do is scream "look over there"

Motorbiking dutifully looks "over there"
Motorbiking is getting angry now....because he keeps being wrong.

Oh dear
Not angry - just finding your refusal to accept you are wrong funny.

The fact remains this is a failure to declare - time limit 20 years.
Doesn’t the SE specify that?
Yes, to a degree.

The written text is not descriptive enough or can be misleading, especially where fabrication is concerned. Luckily at Tamworth steels, their fabby guy is brilliant. I've actually made him templates out of wood, complete with drilled holes etc, to cut out any mistakes. Just simple stuff like footer plate orientation, can be a right pain, if say it clashes with a big lump of foundation concrete, a wall or another steel column etc.
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This relates to allowances.

It's so long ago since I sold a house that I can't remember the process. But it seems that if you sell your main home you don't need to complete any sort of form.

UK residents must file a CGT return if a CGT payment on account is due on disposal of UK residential property. No CGT will be due, and so no CGT return will be required, if the entire gain on disposal is relieved by Private Residence Relief (PRR), or if the property is sold at a loss

If AR believed she was entitled to PRR, would there have been anything at all that she signed or declared to that effect?
which doesn't seem credible, which is why the story wont go away.
The police said on first investigation there was nothing to answer. It could be a few thousand at worst. Given the billions that this government have wasted it is ridiculous waste of time and resource..
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