Angela Rayner

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yep as you say its all there on gov uk a step by step guide .
A tax expert says: Primary residence relief and absence rules are horribly complicated

I believe a tax expert on tax matters over a plumber
A tax expert says: Primary residence relief and absence rules are horribly complicated

I believe a tax expert on tax matters over a plumber
Denso hasnt mentioned anything why bring him into it ?
Would that be the same tax expert that told you raynor is out of time frame ?
A tax expert says: Primary residence relief and absence rules are horribly complicated

I believe a tax expert on tax matters over a plumber
and the step by step guide frame is there try it give it a dummy run ,,,dummy being the appropriate word
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How sweet, the right wing nutters are getting their knickers in a twist about a tax liability of between 0 and £3500

It is noted motorbiking, gas112, filly, gant, NWGS etc never ever criticised the government for £4b of PPE bogus contracts.

the stench of hypocrisy is overwhelming
Notch really is trying to get this thread closed. Standard playbook loose he argument start the personal insults.
it is noted Andydevon never ever criticised the government about the £4b of bogus PPE contracts

Andydevon, yet another right wing hypocrite
Yes It’s obvious you are upset the time for Tory grifters is coming to an end.
I expect vert little to change under Starmer. I think he will be the next Obama.

Change is good. Rishi deserves it.. hopefully they will get a decent leader for next time.
it is noted Andydevon never ever criticised the government about the £4b of bogus PPE contracts

Andydevon, yet another right wing hypocrite
Not just him.

There's a few of them .

If (if) AR is guilty, then fine, imprison, remove her from her position and/or do whatever should be done.

But 1, get things in perspective (value).
And 2, treat others (worse, higher value) the same. It is irrelevant what political party they are in.

But it's pretty hollow when this is all that can be thrown at her in squirrel hunting season (pre election run up)
Let's face it the lefties will defend her, even if it turns out that her tax evasion was deliberate. Poor value emergency supply contracts maybe s***, but so far nothing illegal has emerged.

If you are going to be a loudmouth on other people's tax, you better make sure you understand the rules that apply to your own dealings.
oh dear Conservative supporters are really having a hissy fit about a possible tax discrepancy that could amount to £0.00

and its out of time limit

Its a joy to watch the hypocrites get all bent out of shape

tax investiggation time limits
The investigation can go back four years, although this is extended to six years where careless mistakes have been made, and 20 years if there is any indication of dishonesty.

by repeatedly denying it and putting wrong address that is dishonesty you know where you live
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