Angela Rayner

Ask mbk. He has all the facts
I’m not remotely interested in her minor electoral register issues. They are beyond trivial, unless of course they were part of an attempt to hide her tax evasion. I’m sure there are plenty of people that have the wrong address on their driving licence too.

The tax evasion and the hypocrisy are the key issues she needs to address.
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Oops, my mistake.

It was a trial held by you, inside your head.

You need to cut down on that glue.
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The Times online is behind a paywall but i get the paper on a Saturday so no, i can't link you, i'm afraid. It's something to do with her version of events, her brothers and her husband, living in one house and 'letting' the other to her brother, while her name was on the electoral roll at the other adress, while her brother was at the house she sold.
It's all very convoluted. Probably because she wanted to get the maximum discount on the sale of the property after 5 years while she lived with her new husband. I gave up trying to follow this when the neighbours got involved and Kylie married Jason. What was she thinking?
She was living with hubby and registered to live at her old place
Her brother was registered to live with hubby but living at her old place.
She claims they didn’t live together for first 5 years of marriage/ 6 years of relationship a fact refuted by the neighbours and her aide and her social media
No evidence of any election of home within the 2 years of marriage/living together.
She couldn’t sell when she moved in with hubby due to clawback
Both properties sold as “homes” and no CGT tax paid as far as anyone can work out

It’s impossible to make this lot add up in a way that is anything other that a load of b@llox.
You don’t really believe that she lived apart from her husband for 5 years contrary to neighbours social media and even people who visited her.

HMRC investigations and fines are not normally public unless they decide to prosecute you on top.
No evidence

I don't believe you have been provided with the evidence. So you haven't seen it and you don't know what exists and what doesn’t. You are not the one making an investigation and you are certainly not the one providing a verdict.
That again is not remotely related to my post. Please do try and keep up.

It is true that the only verdict motorbiking is relying on is the one inside his head.

And it is true that you know it.
JohnD is very upset that one of his own, is in the spotlight for tax evasion.

He will defend her til the last, despite many experts saying her situation stinks.

He likes to lie and discredit those who point it out.

Next he will be declaring us all racists and woman haters.
John stop lying. You don't have a single iota of a clue what I think.

Now unfortunately i have to repeat myself. Just because you say it repeatedly does not make it true.
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