Another 'new light fitting to old wiring' question.

3 Mar 2010
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United Kingdom
Sorry about this but I can't see this having been covered already.

The old wiring from the ceiling is standard one each of Red (L) Black (N) andyellow/green (E) in a connector box, so 3 wires into a connnector box.

The new light fitting has 3 bulbs and 2 cables each of which has one Blue (N) and one Brown (L) wire (there is also an earth wire), so 5 wires in total

I would have just normally doubled up the 2 new Blue (N) wires and connected them to the old Black (N) on the connector box and the same with the 2 new brown wires to the old Red on the box and obviously the same with earths.

However! The wiring instructions on the light fitting states:

Neutral loop - (N)Black to Blue ...fine
Earth to earth...fine

here's the bit that puzzles me:

Switch wires - blue with brown sheathing or black with red sheathing (S)....Brown (nope lost me!)
Live loop - Brown or red (L)....No connection to light fitting (eh?? What do I do with the Red live from the household supply??)

Any help as always gratefully received
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You do not have a Live Loop.

Just Switched Live Red, Neutral Black and Earth G/Y.

So does that mean I just proceed with the original plan of doubling up the 2 blues and 2 browns from the new fitting and connecting them to the respective neutral and live wires from the household supply?
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Surprised they aren't terminated in a connector block.

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