Ban on mobile phones in the classroom being considered……

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom

….about time too!

I would never allow mobile phones to be used by students when in my workshop - the students handed them in when they arrived and got them back at break times and when leaving. They were my rules. On the odd occasion I’ve found a student playing with a phone that had not been handed in, it went down my pants for the rest of the session and they only got it back when they went home. I made that clear to those who sent the students to me and they said they wished they could do the same. I’ve even refused entry to students in the past for refusing to hand over their phones. I just can’t understand how any school can possibly allow them to be used in the classroom. No doubt though that there will be some parents who will challenge the fact that little Johnny can’t text and WhatsApp while in the classroom. Usual excuse was they might need to contact the kid urgently! I still told them no and I gave them my number for emergencies. There were never any. You watch!
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They're not allowed in my eldests school, in all years all through the school day. It's not so uncommon.

….about time too!

I would never allow mobile phones to be used by students when in my workshop - the students handed them in when they arrived and got them back at break times and when leaving. They were my rules. On the odd occasion I’ve found a student playing with a phone that had not been handed in, it went down my pants for the rest of the session and they only got it back when they went home. I made that clear to those who sent the students to me and they said they wished they could do the same. I’ve even refused entry to students in the past for refusing to hand over their phones. I just can’t understand how any school can possibly allow them to be used in the classroom. No doubt though that there will be some parents who will challenge the fact that little Johnny can’t text and WhatsApp while in the classroom. Usual excuse was they might need to contact the kid urgently! I still told them no and I gave them my number for emergencies. There were never any. You watch!
What ?

Did they want it back ?

seriously weird - lol - where's my phone sir? "I've shoved it up my aris"
A ban on use in classrooms of course...

But a ban on possession?

Don't forget many services are now mainly done by app, such as bus travel...
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Phones seem to work well at my kids school.
The use them like adults (and also of course like kids playing too many games at breaks) in that they:
- use the calendar
- write notes
- take images of the white board for revision
- video science class experiments to assist write up
- use emails and whatsapp to organise collective homework
-homework scheduling software
- document submission to teachers

In fact all the things that they will use a phone for in their adult lives.

There are of course the negative sides, but also many positives. One being teacher does not have to collect 30phones before each class (or receptionist a 1000 at start of day).

Phones seem to work well at my kids school.
The use them like adults (and also of course like kids playing too many games at breaks) in that they:
- use the calendar
- write notes
- take images of the white board for revision
- video science class experiments to assist write up
- use emails and whatsapp to organise collective homework
-homework scheduling software
- document submission to teachers

In fact all the things that they will use a phone for in their adult lives.

There are of course the negative sides, but also many positives. One being teacher does not have to collect 30phones before each class (or receptionist a 1000 at start of day).

I meant to say,
A ban on use in classrooms of course...
(for social uses)

The pupils at our children's old school have been issued with tablets which they used remotely during the lockdown, but now they have all gone back they use them in class much as you say.

A teacher we still know says that from her perspective they have been an aid especially with all the catching up the pupils need to do.
As far as all the students I know who attend school, they have been banned (or confiscated) since Adam was a lad.
Next to me nuts!
Mottie, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but that is downright weird.

Put them in a lockable box, sure, but in your pants, no way. There:s a hygiene issue to start with. If any student complained and told their folks, you might find yourself in an awkward situation.
Nobody is talking about that, are they?
"The education secretary, Gavin Williamson, said he wants a ban on mobile phones as he launched a consultation on pupil behaviour and discipline in schools. He said he wanted to make the school day “mobile-free”

Take from that what you will...

Of course unless you have perfect security it's impossible to police...

Kids are rather clever.
So I guess you'd have to have strip searches in case someone hid a phone in their underwear :rolleyes:

Hey mottie, did you check whether that phone was on 'vibrate'?
I thought there was already a ban on use of mobile phones in the classroom.
It's a storm in a teacup to distract from the educational cock ups/incompetence this government has made because of the 'virus'!

As has been pointed out before...

Additional spending per pupil per year to counteract Covid disruption:

Netherlands - £2,500
UK - £100
Something headteachers have been doing for ages, but now the government is pretending they make the rules in school.
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