black bird

When my mum was terminally ill with cancer, she wanted a kitten, so we got her one. This kitten/cat was totally aloof with everyone other than my mum. I'm sure that that was all to do with her illness. The cat only changed her ways about three days after she died - but probably only from the point of not biting the hand that was feeding her :LOL: .

So, personally, I'm not saying that they don't have empathy: there are numerous anecdotes regarding empathy between animals and humans as well as between same/different animal species.

However, those photos just go to show that what they purport to show may not necessarily be so. And they date from 2004 too: so, it's hardly a new round robin, pardon the pun :LOL:.
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Come on Shys, how would you like to be awarded a prize for the most improbable research?
From the pages of Ignobel:
The Ig Nobel Prizes honor achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think. The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative -- and spur people's interest in science, medicine, and technology
Unlikely to be true appears to be your interpretation of improbable research.

And here's a book too: p77 et seqq.

Finally, the article in question.

Congratulations on your research Shy but I'm really not into reading about necrophilia, human or otherwise.
I hardly think the date on the photographs has any relevance, they show to me, a very touching scene.
Maybe I'm an old softie, but things like that do effect me, i hate to see suffering in any form. :cry: :cry:

I had some blackbirds nesting at my place.

First a cat tried to get them and then on friday a crow got the eggs, I was alerted by the screeching from the blackbirds.

On saturday, the two blackbirds are on the lawn, the crow lands beside them, and the female blackbird went for the crow. Was'nt much of a contest, a couple of pecks from the crow and the blackbird was a gonna, the crow then started plucking it whilst the male blackbird looked on, then the crow flew away with his dinner.

Nature at its most savage and at first I felt sorry for the blackbirds. But then I thought maybe she was a bit dumb building a nest that was vulnerable to cats and crows, and attacking a crow was'nt the smartest thing to do. So now she's got her darwin award and improved the quality of the blackbird gene pool.

This morning the male has found another female and they are building a new nest - somewhere.
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It is of relevance, as this old chestnut keeps doing the rounds, from an anthropomorphistic point of view, whereas the general consensus of the twitching fraternity is that one of them is merely making the most of an opportunity and has no concerns whatsoever for the one on the deck.

And, if you look at the book then those photos, the resemblance to copulatory behaviour is very close. In fact, if you read the book, it could even be that a car had nothing whatsoever to do with the incident.

Mawkish human sentimentality, pah...!
This morning we've had one little black/green bird, a spleen, the rear half of a rabbit and the head of a pigeon deposited in the utility room.

Oh, and a cute baby mouse, which I managed to rescue and set free..

Teenagers with BB guns, eh...tschuh.

Joke - it was one of the cats...
The bird's left the nest right now, and I can only see 4 of the eggs. I feel all cheated somehow. :LOL:
There are still five eggs.
on the beach 100yds away, is a ringed plovers nest with 3 eggs in, too far for a webcam, but I got a photo.
Could you shine a torch out the window?

I can't see a thing at the moment :LOL:
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