Boris reprimanded for repeating Brexit lie

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15 Nov 2005
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The UK's statistics watchdog has stood by its criticism of Boris Johnson in a growing row over the possible financial windfall the NHS may get from Brexit.

"I am surprised and disappointed that you have chosen to repeat the figure of £350 million per week, in connection with the amount that might be available for extra public spending when we leave the European Union," Sir David Norgrove wrote in the letter.

The watchdog said the article "confused" the size of the UK's annual gross and net contributions to the EU's budget.

His letter continued: "It also assumes that payments currently made to the UK by the EU, including for example for the support of agriculture and scientific research, will not be paid by the UK government when we leave. It is a clear misuse of official statistics."
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When you are wrong, don't admit it, double down. Johnson knows admitting his lie (he knowingly told an untruth) will be the end of him, so he will continue to repeat this lie as it has worked before and will work again as some of the electorate are really that gullible.

I don't fear the serial liars like Trump or Johnson it's the serial believers like poor Trump voters or poor Tory voters you should be concerned about.
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Blokes an embarrassment to the Government & the country

He should be sacked & at best sacked with a kick up the back side to help the idiot out the door.
It's surprising how many simpletons will believe Buffoon Boris' nonsense.

We had someone on here who actually believed the Straight Bananas lie.

And several who defended the Big Red Bus because it suited their warped imagination
Several on here (may be ) & a significant number in the country actually believed Corbyns

suggestion ;) that he would write off students loans :LOL:

soon be the labour back stabbing ;) conference , momentum run the party now ;) deselect any one who dis agreed with corbyn ;)
Boris the buffoon has realised he is way out of his depth, this his method of getting the sack.
"wilful distortion of the text of my article." says Buffoon

Let's see what he wrote in his article

“Once we have settled our accounts, we will take back control of roughly £350m per week."

Nice to see that this time he is admitting that the account will have to be settled. last time he said the EU could "whistle for it."

if you read the text of his whole article, it is a electioneering address to his supporters. He wants to be PM. And that's how his fans are reading it and supporting him. They're even criticising the BBC for carrying the story. The story is in fact being carried by all the major media, in UK and elsewhere. Few of them are Buffoon fans.
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boris is not a team player
he is only interested in his own agenda
he is in my opinion quite dangerous as he will only think off what he wants who he can manipulate with his "bumbleing act " put on to endear people as they think it shows him as being vunerable and human when in fact he is fully in control manipulating and happy to step on anyone for his own aims
boris is not a team player
he is only interested in his own agenda
he is in my opinion quite dangerous as he will only think off what he wants who he can manipulate with his "bumbleing act " put on to endear people as they think it shows him as being vunerable and human when in fact he is fully in control manipulating and happy to step on anyone for his own aims
Are you talking about Boris or **** end?
On his website, and through his fans and subordinates, Buffoon is trying to make out that Sir David has withdrawn the rebuke. Sir David denies it.

Who said what

Boris Johnson (Daily Telegraph):
“. . . once we have settled our accounts, we will take back control of roughly £350 million per week. It would be a fine thing, as many of us have pointed out, if a lot of that money went on the NHS . . .”

Sir David Norgrove (letter to Boris Johnson):
“I am surprised and disappointed that you have chosen to repeat the figure of £350 million per week, in connection with the amount that might be available for extra public spending when we leave the European Union. This confuses gross and net contributions. It also assumes that payments currently made to the UK by the EU, including for example for the support of agriculture and scientific research, will not be paid by the UK government when we leave. It is a clear misuse of official statistics.”

Foreign Office:
“Boris has spoken to Norgrove and he has made clear that he was complaining about the headlines and not Boris’s piece and in fact admitted that Boris’ wording in the piece was absolutely fine.

”UK Statistics Authority:
“Sir David Norgrove does not believe the issues lie solely with the headlines . . . He has not changed the conclusion set out in his letter to the Foreign Secretary.

”Boris Johnson (letter to David Norgrove):
“I must say that I was surprised and disappointed by your letter of today, since it was based on what appeared to be a wilful distortion of the text of my article . . . You say that I claim that there would be £350 million that “might be available for extra public spending” when we leave the EU. This is a complete misrepresentation of what I said and I would like you to withdraw it.”
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