Bravo Theresa! Unity created!

the two sides have requirements that cannot both be met

The republicans are embittered because brexit strengthens the border. That's basically the crux of it. They were dreading Brexit all along.
The fcu-kers thought they were gonna get a united Ireland.
Roll on no deal.
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Of course, after Brexit, which will happen, we will eventually know what we’ve got. Some will be good, some may be bad, nothings ever perfect, but at least we'll know. If there was no Brexit, we'll never know what would’ve happened had we stayed in, it’ll all be hypothetical. As hypothetical as the remainers are saying how it’s going to be when we're out, but of course, they know best. All 48% of them.

What would happen if this country was to go to war and 75% of the population didn’t want to fight? We'd still go to war because that is what our government decided. The government that was in power, put there by the majority of those that could be bothered to get off their arse and vote.

The government could have decided to leave the EU anyway, couldn’t they, but we were given the choice. The majority chose to leave. Good or bad, get over it.
I am going to jump off this cliff. I will not know what will happen until after I have landed. Then I will know!
I would never know what would have happened if I had chosen not to jump. (But I have a pretty good imagination

Yes joining the eu was a disaster. The cliff was steep and the fall hard.
Sadly I never had a say.
Now we climb back up to where we belong.
Fc-uk the eu and all those who support it.
Roll on no deal.
Why are t
No, what I said was not blame game, just telling it how it is.

You agree:

The fact is, nobody really knows what negotiations are going on. All these quotes from EU leaders are just propaganda; to put pressure on.

Including childish ones like Juncker saying English is becoming less important.

The EU is a protectionist market, protecting its trade and its important lobbyist companies.

You make it out as if we were never part of the EU, never part of writing its rules. How ahistoric and wrong is your argument.

You keep trotting out this tired excuse of lobbyists. We have lobbysists in the UK and so are you saying post Brexit we will end this?
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The references to war and seeing Germany as the enemy is just plain nuts. I am sure many on here didn't have a gun put to their heads when they bought German goods.

Thank heavens the war ended and we all moved on - well most.
Again it demonstrates your level of intellect. You not only want to leave the club, you want the club to implode after you have left.
No doubt you are one of those that would willingly cut off your nose to spite your face.
I wonder why you have such intense levels of hatred. It's not good for you.

Rog is a nutter. His hate is soft clay in the hands of the politicians - he's primed to hate and they willingly will give him something which he can focus his hatred.
Roger is like he is because that is how he was brought up.

Brought up to hate his neighbours, let alone people in other countries.
He knows nothing else yet he cannot see it and thinks everyone is like that.
Do you remember the "here are the choices, which one do you choose?" diagram? It's the same now as it was three years ago

Oh I remember it ok, it was rubbish then and still rubbish now.

It comes down to what deal gets negotiated.......Barnier had already said a special deal can be done.

'A special deal' ie not one of your 4 options :ROFLMAO:
Why are t

You make it out as if we were never part of the EU, never part of writing its rules. How ahistoric and wrong is your argument.

You keep trotting out this tired excuse of lobbyists. We have lobbysists in the UK and so are you saying post Brexit we will end this?

I do not keep make out we were never part of the EU, you are welcome to dissgree, but please stick to facts.

I have previously made posts that point out Margaret Thatcher was a key person in setting up the single market.

Where am I using 'Lobbyists' as an excuse? I get tired of remainers banging on about how the UK should stay in the EU, but arent prepared to discuss the negatives.
It comes down to what deal gets negotiated.......Barnier had already said a special deal can be done.

"The second most important lesson of the Brexit negotiation is that the EU will prioritise its economic and political cohesion above all else. That cohesion rests on two key outcomes: an undivided single market and an open border on the island of Ireland."

"Theresa May effectively guaranteed this impasse last December, when she agreed the
Irish backstop. The backstop guarantees, as a last resort, Northern Ireland’s alignment with Ireland on the customs union and single market to ensure the free flow of goods. Northern Ireland would be permitted to retain the single market just in goods because the Good Friday agreement depends on it. But no such exemptions would ever be open to the rest of the UK. Although the EU was too coy to admit it at the time, this always meant that the whole UK would have to commit to the prospect of staying in the full single market and customs union, or else concede the erection of trade barriers within its territory.

If May had been armed with political judgment, or merely cognisant of reality, she would have prepared the British people – and government – for that concession. She has instead wasted nine months denying she ever made it. It comes as little surprise that the EU has now taken the initiative where the UK refused."
Let's try this another way.

You don't have to say anything about the positive benefits of brexit. None!

Just put some links up ?

Or, state, honestly, that No Deal, will result in financial, and trade, benefits for the country and its people, because.........

Or don't provide any links and don't make that statement? The choice is yours. Let's wait and see?

Personally i think most brexiteers thought the referendum was an immigration questionnaire and responded accordingly. Just admit that maybe? You are so fed up with immigrants that you will accept an uncertain, and almost certainly poorer future (the forseeable future), rather than the opposite that might mean continued immigration.

And before you assume incorrectly. There is a problem with immigration, but brexit will not cure it.
Let’s get this straight,I do not need to prove anything to you or anybody.We had a democratic vote,I voted one way,you voted another,nobody owes anybody explanations.
Let’s get this straight,I do not need to prove anything to you or anybody.We had a democratic vote,I voted one way,you voted another,nobody owes anybody explanations.

So no links and no statement?
The people were asked to vote in a legal democratic referendum

The government of the day were then charged by the electorate to follow the wishes of the people end of

Any government would be compelled to do so

So all this baloney and nonsense about how it's all TM's fault is a nonsense
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