Could there be a vote of confidence on Wednesday ? 15% threshold reached now

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"BORIS Johnson has been booed once again by royal supporters as he attended the Queen's Jubilee concert.

Social media footage showed the Tory chief making his way his seat in the royal box while being heavily booed by the crowds outside Buckingham Palace."

Grant Shapps and other remaining acolytes have tried to gloss over the contempt the nation holds for the lying, incompetent and untrustworthy Prime Minister and his clingons.

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I think there will be a vote and I think he may win it.

I personally wouldn't mind him in power for another 5 years. A PM on the ropes tends to be more careful than one sitting on a landslide victory.

If he's voted out, the new leader will have to call a GE within a few years in order to have a mandate from the people. Not that, that ever bothered Gordon Brown.
I think there will be a vote and I think he may win it.

I personally wouldn't mind him in power for another 5 years. A PM on the ropes tends to be more careful than one sitting on a landslide victory.

If he's voted out, the new leader will have to call a GE within a few years in order to have a mandate from the people. Not that, that ever bothered Gordon Brown.
Imperial measurements isn't a sign of caution. He's desperate and flailing for something to make him popular.

It is human nature to take excessive risks when faced with a losing proposition.
It seems the 6th of June has become B-Day - I'm sure he'll 'fight them on the beaches'.
Hold on to your drinks, old boy, it's going to be a bumpy night.
Borisconi will probably survive...

He's 'done his job' after all, and wrecked the UK...

This has nothing to do with democracy, it's all about the survival of the nasty party!

And despite not agreeing with a lot of the 'virus' laws/decrees, then any nasty party mp who votes for him condones the idea of one rule for us and another for the elite!
I think there will be a vote and I think he may win
I agree

but a marginal win will leave a permanently weakened prime minister and party

a win for Johnson will be good for Labour

if Johnson loses it will be the end of the brexit propaganda and the beginning of the country turning away from brexit
Borisconi will probably survive...

He's 'done his job' after all, and wrecked the UK...

This has nothing to do with democracy, it's all about the survival of the nasty party!

And despite not agreeing with a lot of the 'virus' laws/decrees, then any nasty party mp who votes for him condones the idea of one rule for us and another for the elite!
You must be a busy bee lately. You only seem to pop in, snipe, and pop out again these days. Whassamatter, are the Ukrainian refugee family you’re housing keeping you busy? You did take in a Ukranian refugee family like you said you were going to, didn’t you?
You must be a busy bee lately. You only seem to pop in, snipe, and pop out again these days. Whassamatter, are the Ukrainian refugee family you’re housing keeping you busy? You did take in a Ukranian refugee family like you said you were going to, didn’t you?

So what are you doing (as usual) ? :rolleyes:

But do tell us, what is your view on the PM's future?

And what is the Ukrainian angle as regards this issue?
But do tell us, what is your view on the PM's future?

My view is I couldn’t care less. I've said all along, he's done what I and the majority of voters told the government what we wanted to do regarding the EU and he can **** off for all I care. Whoever replaces him from any party won’t be any different in your whinging whining mind or stop your sniping though - that’s a given!

And what is the Ukrainian angle as regards this issue?

The Ukrainian angle is just me wondering whether you actually did what you said you were going to do (take in some Ukranian refugees) or whether it was just another of you bullshîte statements like the ones where you said you were leaving the country for good and deleing your account on this forum.

So, how's it going vis-à-vis you taking in a Ukranian refugee?
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