Debit card oddity

BG turning them customers off the other week and now announcing record profits.
Can't see this playing out well.
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In short supply, they won't turn off the whole grid, they'll simply disconnect smart meter customers at the click of a mouse.
Less complaints to deal with.
JDs gone a bit quiet on the windometer today, can see why the use of gas and coal usage today is far outstripping wind and solar.
In short supply, they won't turn off the whole grid, they'll simply disconnect smart meter customers at the click of a mouse.
Less complaints to deal with.
There are more smart than non-smart? How will that mean less complaints?
Nukes and wind are both about equally low today. Maybe one of the atomic kettles has gone wrong. They are getting rather old. Wind is generating more than coal, and more than nukes, and more than hydro, and more than France and Norway are sending us put together, so, hooray for wind.

Unfortunately UK has been dragging its feet over recommissioning Gas Storage so we will have to pay whatever it costs, or do without. France and Italy, for example, both have much more than ten times as much stored gas as UK, and Germany has much more than twenty times as much. EU wisely agreed rules that countries would store gas, or rent space in other countries, as a precaution.

This is an example of an asset for National Benefit that the Nation ought to pay for and own. Short-term commercial profit has not provided a solution.

Incidentally, public Intervention Stocks can be self-financing, not costly, because you stabilise price and supply by buying when it's cheap and plentiful, and selling when its scarce and expensive. Any economist with more brains than Kwarteng knows that, but it needs a government focussed on the good of the country to do it.
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Not available to the public. Or outside the EU:unsure:
What a strange remark.

If the government of the UK or any other country wanted to have warehouses holding, for example, stores of grain, or toilet rolls, or facemasks, or diesel, or apples, or frozen peas, or maple syrup, or cheese, or natural gas, bought in times of glut, and released in times of shortage, what do you think would prevent it?
Would you care to put the figures up to prove your comment or is it another guess


You're welcome. More smart meters fitted than dumb.
a meter is only smart if it can do what it is designed to do if it cant you will find every supplier then refers to it as a dumb meter
a meter is only smart if it can do what it is designed to do if it cant you will find every supplier then refers to it as a dumb meter
I know, and the table gives the numbers. Less non-smart meters.
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