Doggit come on back !

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I though it pertinent to show a few examples before Wannabe goes back and edits them or gets his guardian angel on here to get them removed.

It wouldnt surprise me if Wannanbe gets this thread deleted :)
Yes, using one of my other pseudonyms, like superman? :rolleyes:
Keep going notch, you are doing a superb job of proving how much of an idiot you are.

Doggit may have Aspergers, nothing wrong with that per se.
But when you claim your disability prevents you from telling lies (which it patently did not), or gives you some special insight to events and issues (which it patently did not), or gives you the egotism to think you can educate others that do not share your opinion (which it patently did), then you are exploiting your disability in an attempt to claim yours is the only true and just opinion.
That was what I was ridiculing.
Just like a**e end claiming he has a disability, doggit's disability may also have been invented to provide him with some special advantage.

If I said, "I have a broken leg, and had to go to hospital, it now gives me a special insight into the rights and wrongs of the NHS", I am sure you would agree I was talking nonsense. :rolleyes:

Also, if doggit had Aspergers, he probably would not give two hoots about our opinion of him, which kind of proves the theory.
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Another example of Wannabes attempts at goading Doggit, bringing Aspergers into the discussion:

I though it pertinent to show a few examples before Wannabe goes back and edits them or gets his guardian angel on here to get them removed.

It wouldnt surprise me if Wannanbe gets this thread deleted :)

Thanks for the info, in light of it I intend to put wannabe on ignore. I did make a clean sweep of things and thought I'd unignore everyone but wanna be ....oh dear no thanks
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Yes, using one of my other pseudonyms, like superman? :rolleyes:
Keep going notch, you are doing a superb job of proving how much of an idiot you are.

Doggit may have Aspergers, nothing wrong with that per se.
But when you claim your disability prevents you from telling lies (which it patently did not), or gives you some special insight to events and issues (which it patently did not), or gives you the egotism to think you can educate others that do not share your opinion (which it patently did), then you are exploiting your disability in an attempt to claim yours is the only true and just opinion.
That was what I was ridiculing.
Just like a**e end claiming he has a disability, doggit's disability may also have been invented to provide him with some special advantage.

If I said, "I have a broken leg, and had to go to hospital, it now gives me a special insight into the rights and wrongs of the NHS", I am sure you would agree I was talking nonsense. :rolleyes:

Also, if doggit had Aspergers, he probably would not give two hoots about our opinion of him, which kind of proves the theory.

**** end is only agreeing with the LWR ;) after all JD said I was a half wit and Noseall said I was a fck wit , which I assume are differing phrases for telling me that I am retarded fortunately they both were able to spot it early & diagnose my disability.
Maybe he's been banned. Happens a lot on here
Really? How many of the 200'000+ members do you know that have been banned?

if the powers want to censor you if your view of the world doesn't fit with theirs.
You mean those that continually flout the forum rules? Just in case you struggle to find them.....
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blimey listen to Noseall :LOL: his talents are wasted in the construction industry ;) no 2 ways about that , he should be in some type of investigation job ,

Sherlock Noseall :LOL: he will get to the bottom of any conspiracy / caper :LOL:

abusive posts ?? o_O bit rich coming from Noseall ;)

Fact is Noseall imo you are a "fraud and a porkie pier" ;)
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