Donald Trump, perhaps he's not daft?

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The great depression was caused by the collapse of the banks...................surely that wasn't due to tariffs?
You seem to think that being part of the eu is the path way to peace.
Yet all it has done is create division.
Your futile vote to remain was nothing more than a vote for "division".

I won't let history and facts get in the way of your beliefs.

The EU had shortcomings but what we propose is downright idiotic. It's economic suicide. The vote should have been clear state what exactly it means to be out.
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An :idea:

another referendum ??? may be ?


ignore the referendum ( we have a Parliamentary democracy) and stay in the EU ?
he is only doing what the eu does to the u.s on imports
Currently, the US charges just 2.5% on car imports; this is lower than the EU’s 10% and China's 25%, although the latter will lower its tariff to 15% from 1 July. Trump had previously described China’s unusually high import tariff as “stupid trade" so its all tit for tat there all protecting there own interests
also why e.u is worried over brexit there car imports too this country
Looks like Trump is quiet now the markets have dived.

Dow Jones was about 19.9k when he was inaugurated in January 2017. Today its 21.8k. I wonder if he is going to own this one.

An example of idiotic Trump trasde war US Soya bean exports to China are now zero, but Canada can't ship enough.

Many on here think Trump knows what he is doing - this is from a serial bankrupter who was billions in debt after he filed for bankruptcy three times for his casinos.

Brexit is from the same school of economics as Trumponomics.
Brexit was from a public referendum.

The economic arguments for it are from Unicorn land.

Just to add his brilliant tax cut for corporates - they just used it to buy $1.3 trillion of their own stock in share buy backs this year. Did they use that money for new investments? Nope

Another dumb move.
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