Don't mention the Pope! I did once but I think I got away...

5 Mar 2010
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United Kingdom
with it.

Jesus, these Mods are like the gestapo aren't they?

Two topics deleted when they were word for word taken from headlines...
ONE of them being a BBC headline.

These mods would have found Anne Frank in 5 minutes!!
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i think possibly someone from the vatican city may have objected to the content...

is your first name Basil??
The pope is a nazi loving, evolution denying, imaginary being believing, total c*nt.

do you think that will do it again... :LOL:


how many times will c*nt turn into **** before post is deleted? ;)
I'm 100% with you on this one Skitz.
Come on Moderators.... Whatever happened to FREE SPEECH?
He's only repeating what's been in the news now for weeks.

Let's take bets on how long this thread lasts before the PC Brigade remove it.
5-1 it's gone before midnight
10-1 gone by tomorrow morning
100-1 last's more than 24 hrs.
10000000-1 lasts till the weekend.
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I'm 100% with you on this one Skitz.
Come on Moderators.... Whatever happened to FREE SPEECH?
He's only repeating what's been in the news now for weeks.

Let's take bets on how long this thread lasts before the PC Brigade remove it.
5-1 it's gone before midnight
10-1 gone by tomorrow morning
100-1 last's more than 24 hrs.
10000000-1 lasts till the weekend.

Just think it is really weird.

An organisation in the Uk is looking to try and Arrest the Pope, for the first time in History...and I can't mention it without it being deleted..
must have catholics running this forum or something.
what i thought was an "interesting" comment on this was the spokesman for the catholic church saying the pope couldnt be arrested as he was head of a sovereignty, not a comment denying or condeming the tactics and treatment of innocent children, but having an "excuse" not to arrest the leader, disgraceful
what i thought was an "interesting" comment on this was the spokesman for the catholic church saying the pope couldnt be arrested as he was head of a sovereignty, not a comment denying or condeming the tactics and treatment of innocent children, but having an "excuse" not to arrest the leader, disgraceful

Yeah, that was pretty telling wasn't it...turns out that as Vatican city isn't a recognized state by the Britain he CAN be.
i dont care if the pope claims expenses and legal aid as long as he doent claim child benefit, we wont be able to afford that :eek:
Are the mods papist then?
I for one wouldn't dare say anything bad about The Pope. ;)
But something strange about a nazi in a dress :!:
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