EU 'rattled'

2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom
Very well done to our negotiating team, showing a bit of that wartime spirit at last.

EU rattled: Brussels left shocked by Britain’s new hardline approach to trade talks
BRITISH negotiators finally believe they have Brussels on the back foot with their uncompromising attitude in the talks about a future trade deal.

David Frost’s army of officials refused to budge last week after Michel Barnier demanded for the current access to Britain’s fishing waters is maintained as the price for the future relationship pact. The Brussels bureaucrat even called for the UK’s departure from the bloc’s single market to be delayed after admitting negotiations had been “disappointing”.

Sources said EU officials were “a bit worried” by their British counterparts during the recent week-long talks carried out over video conferences.

It is believed the UK’s new uncompromising stance and a refusal to simply accept the EU’s demands has shocked some of Mr Barnier’s deputies.

The tactics even drove Mr Barnier to accuse the British of “slowing down” the negotiations and his deputies claimed they were even seeking to end the talks without an agreement.
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That's a very positive spin to put on a negotiating process that's clearly going nowhere.
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That's a very positive spin to put on a negotiating process that's clearly going nowhere.

Yes but the whole point is the talks are going where we dictate they go, if that happens to be nowhere, that's fine. If we allow some access to fisheries, it will be on terms dictated by us, not France. If they are not prepared to have a reasonable trade deal on terms acceptable to us, that's fine, we'll go WTO. But our negotiators are not bending over and accepting a surrender on EU terms.

The fact of the matter is the EU are seriously on their back foot, they don't like it, a lot of people on here don't like it, but that's the way it is.
We are still in the EU in an odd way due to CV19. It's being called maintaining trade routes - political nicety - trade can go on unhindered for the duration due to the crisis with you can guess which countries.

:) Fillyboys quote is the usual - negotiations - one wants this and the other says no. Where things finish up - wait for an actual agreement. Fishing rights is an odd one anyway due to what currently fishes there and the definition concerning UK control. UK ones are not really UK.

Mind you just the real UK fishing there would be really good for the planet once stocks had recovered to their now ancient levels.
we dictate they go, if that happens to be nowhere, that's fine.

Another opinion is that the dUK refusing to have an agreement with its closest neighbour and biggest customer, is not at all fine.
Yes but the whole point is the talks are going where we dictate they go, if that happens to be nowhere, that's fine

It's generally reckoned that will lead to trade wars.
I take what the express says with the same value as the Guardian. Anyone have any independent sources?

Why would we give up sovereign rights as a price for trade? Have we asked for the right to make Champaign?
This is really excellent news. After shooting ourselves in the left foot, we are now busy shooting ourselves in our remaining foot, and cheering as we go.

Jesus, what a pathetic nation the tories are making us. Churchill must be spinning in his grave.
I take what the express says with the same value as the Guardian. Anyone have any independent sources?

Why would we give up sovereign rights as a price for trade? Have we asked for the right to make Champaign?
Why wouldn't we? That's how pretty much every trade deal has ever worked. Even WTO trade has some rules attached.
Yes but the whole point is the talks are going where we dictate they go, if that happens to be nowhere, that's fine. If we allow some access to fisheries, it will be on terms dictated by us, not France. If they are not prepared to have a reasonable trade deal on terms acceptable to us, that's fine, we'll go WTO. But our negotiators are not bending over and accepting a surrender on EU terms.

The fact of the matter is the EU are seriously on their back foot, they don't like it, a lot of people on here don't like it, but that's the way it is.
Trade isn't a zero sum game. The idea is to make both parties come out ahead.

I worry that we're playing mind games and burning time that should be spent actually discussing things. We've got 8 months before we drop out of the EU and the negotiations are this bad?
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