Farage reveals the 'unspeakable' abuse EU MEPs hurl at Brexiteers


17 May 2012
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United Kingdom
If it is unspeakable, why is Farage repeating it? Oh, he isn't. he hasn't said anything, because he is just making stuff up again. link

Would he prefer a shake, maybe?

If he walked into a pub, said he thought the landlord was corrupt, that the barmaid shouldn't be there and was a waste of space and useless, and said that really the pub should be closed, would he really expect a warm welcome and a nice pint waiting for him? No. So why does he expect anything different from the EU?

Glass houses Mr Farage, glass houses!
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If he walked into a pub, said he thought the landlord was corrupt, that the barmaid shouldn't be there and was a waste of space and useless, and said that really the pub should be closed, would he really expect a warm welcome and a nice pint waiting for him?

No I suspect not. But he could be telling the truth.

Some don't like the truth
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I don't care if he is telling the truth, the fact that he runs to a newspaper is just laughable really. But sillier than that, is not actually dating what he heard. I did some digging, and what was said was fair and not take rude at all.
I don't care if he is telling the truth, the fact that he runs to a newspaper is just laughable really. But sillier than that, is not actually dating what he heard. I did some digging, and what was said was fair and not take rude at all.

Fair game but don't moan when he does something you don't like