mlb3c said:
he is like a dog w ith 2 wotsits
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....and the pillock missed the last train! ;)

...turn my back for one minute and he nicks the truck

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How are you coping with the language barrier?
Just had a look on the map where Ashland City is and I see it is near a place called 'Clarksville'. Wikipedia reckons this is the place the Monkees caught the last train to.
Bett - thanks so much for lovely 'soppy pic'. It restored my faith, badly needed in an increasingly nasty world ! My very best wishes to you both.

Keep feeding us sad gits with happy news ! :D


Ashland City is the halfway point between Nashville and Clarksville---I work in Nashville, so took him there first---then to the L&N railway station in Clarksville (yeah...the Monkees)


he does own a shirt.....but has been lappin (and nappin) in the sun :LOL:
An interesting bit of trivia about the Monkees is that Mike Nesmith's mum invented Liquid Paper! (Tip-ex).

She built it up into a huge corporation which she sold in the 1980s for $50 million.

She left much of it to charity. Son Mike is also a well-known philanthropist.
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