Fitting a Hive stat on a Vaillant Turbomax 824

28 Sep 2018
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United Kingdom
I am wanting to fit a hive combi thermostat on a Vaillant Turbomax boiler. My existing stat is a Vaillant VRT QT 9083 with combines timer and stat (pic attached) and I am wondering if I can wire in the hive receiver directly to these wires on the basis that the hive will be controlling the same functions (timed on/off plus temp control)?
Any advice gratefully received!


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I looked up the Vaillant VRT QT 9083 instructions and page 36 I see bus connections and I know Hive does not work with OpenTherm so it would seem you need Nest not Hive for this boiler.

WTF? That's a 350F manual :rolleyes:


I have no idea why you're prattling on about OpenTherm. Best not give any more boiler advice eh?

OP, yes you can as per the wiring diagram in your picture. Please ignore the advice of the nonprofessionals on this site. The incompetence is breathtaking.
I did the simple google copy and paste with instructions added to end, I expected to see what connections were required, mainly if 24 volt or 230 volt as soon as I saw bus +/- I stopped looking. Sorry if google selected wrong one, it was top of list.

Oh and I am a professional electrician and it was an electrical question which no one had answered. However I don't know all boiler wiring diagrams off heart, I have to look them up, which can also be done by the poster. I am sure there are boilers and central heating systems where Hive works well, hot air and pre-modulating types.

And Hive will also work with others, however not work well, but it would seem the guy who marketed Hive must be one of the best salesmen of all time, the way they get people to fit inappropriate thermostats, yes it will work, but not well.
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Sorry if google selected wrong

You selected it. Google didn't

Oh and I am a professional electrician and it was an electrical question

Further proof that electricians should steer well clear of anything to do with heating systems and wiring. Why give advice you are not qualified to give. What if I hadn't spotted your reply? the poor OP could have wasted ages looking for Opentherm on a bloody TurboMax. Opentherm isn't even supported (officially) on the modern Vaillants. :rolleyes: Christ it's like Bernard & Lemon in the Vaillant Pump thread; both totally clueless but so arrogant that they are arguing with people that do this for a living.

pre-modulating types.

What's one of those then? :LOL:
Thanks Dan. So the wiring from my existing VRT-QT time clock will connect in a similar manner to the Hive receiver connections?
I will pick my Hive up tomorrow so I won’t know the terminal numbering until I do but am aware that these connections can vary.

Oh - and the existing clock/stat is probably a lot wider than the hive receiver so do I need a specific back plate to adapt to the hive receiver?

I like the idea of the receiver being away from the boiler as there should be less chance of interference with the WiFi signal if the controller (hub) is closer to the hive receiver. I can then mount the stat elsewhere.

It all seems to make sense in my head but please tell me if you foresee any barriers.

Many thanks.
the existing clock/stat is probably a lot wider than the hive receiver so do I need a specific back plate to adapt to the hive receiver?
The Hive is supplied with it's own backplate. The existing one is removed.
Electrically, it's identical - 2 wires for the mains supply and 2 more for an on/off switch.
Hive will come with its own back plate L&N from your existing to L&N on the hive receiver, then the other two wires to 1 &3 on the Hive, doesnt matter which way round it is just a switch
Thanks Ian - I will give it a go tomorrow and post back but the wiring guide is very helpful. I appreciate all your advice guys.
Hi all. I connected the hive yesterday by placing the receiver at the site of the existing time click using existing wires wired as Ian suggested above. I have placed the actual stat near the receiver on the same wall. All seems to be working well other than there seeming to be a delay of a couple of minutes between the receiver signalling a call to the boiler and the boiler actually firing up. With the old Vaillant timer/stat, the boiler would fire as soon as the switch was flicked on.

Also, I have noticed that the boiler stops heating occasionally despite:
A) the target temp not being reached
B) both lights on the receiver being solid green.
Is this because the boiler itself has the heating on an Autumn setting (around the 10 o clock position) and it is overriding the hive?

Finally, the installation instruction suggests a 3a fused switch is used. At the moment the boiler is connected to a 13a fused switched spur with the old Vaillant time clock wired from the boiler directly. Do I need to add 3a spur somewhere in between so that the hive receiver has its own circuit protection?
Finally, the installation instruction suggests a 3a fused switch is used. At the moment the boiler is connected to a 13a fused switched spur with the old Vaillant time clock wired from the boiler directly. Do I need to add 3a spur somewhere in between so that the hive receiver has its own circuit protection?

What that means, is that you should put a 3A fuse (ie not a 13A fuse) into the fused connection unit that supplies power to the boiler and the Hive.

Also, I have noticed that the boiler stops heating occasionally despite:
A) the target temp not being reached
B) both lights on the receiver being solid green.
Is this because the boiler itself has the heating on an Autumn setting (around the 10 o clock position) and it is overriding the hive?

The boiler probably has a larger heat output than the radiators can dissipate, so to stop the water actually boiling, the boiler will switch on / off to maintain a safe temperature. The boiler thermostat only regulates the temperature of the water leaving the boiler, it won't override the Hive.

In reality it will work exactly the same as it did before. As has been pointed out, the Hive is just a switch it will simply turn the boiler 'on' and 'off 'exactly the same as your original controller. But the boiler will control the temperature of the water leaving it as you set on the boiler thermostat when the Hive switches it on.
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Cheers Stem for the info. I did swap the fuse in the main boiler spur for a 3a as a precaution when I was fitting the hive so at least I made the right call there ;o)

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