Flexible Cystoscopy

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Anyone had this done......?

I've actually had it before and it hurt like fork.

They put an anaesthetic gel in followed by the tube. The only thing is, they didn't/ don't leave any time for the gel to act.

I was expecting the nurse to go gently, but no! She just (I can only describe it this way) rammed the tube in causing some exclamation and swearing on my part.

When I looked at the images, I saw a pink blobby mass that was bleeding rather a lot.

"What's that?"

"Your prostate...."

Just apprehensive (to say the least) about the next one which is due soon......

Anyone else had it done?

Care to share?
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Only had a catheter after an op and that was painless. My pops had bladder cancer and had several cameras and chemo popped up there . Said they were uncomfortable but not painful. I think you had an evil nurse?! Or pain threshold different. Just explain that you found it stupidly painful last time and can you have more anaesthetic gel/more time. Good luck!
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I had the latex gloved finger up the back, not a camera up the front.

Not what I'd choose to do for fun, but it didn't hurt.

Is that/was that not an option?
I have had the pleasure of a cystoscopy several times now and know how some will wait for the gel to take effect while others will inject and ram as one:eek:

Hopefully they won't find anything.................... otherwise you will get used to it.
I have had the pleasure of a cystoscopy several times now and know how some will wait for the gel to take effect while others will inject and ram as one:eek:

Hopefully they won't find anything.................... otherwise you will get used to it.
Having reached the age of qualifying for a rectal inspection last year,that was bad enough,,,certainly would not fancy a japs eye version...
I had the latex gloved finger up the back, not a camera up the front.

Not what I'd choose to do for fun, but it didn't hurt.

Is that/was that not an option?

I was also party to that pleasure. The guy did not even put gloves on....
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Is it necessary to call the device or procedure a flexible cystoscopy - or can you choose a rigid one should you prefer?

Sorry - you know what I'm like with words. :)
No, nothing like that. Just Wham, Bam, thank you Man.....not even a peck on the cheek(s).
No, it has to be flexible to get round the curve, through the prostate and into the bladder.
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