Flexible Cystoscopy

If anybody ever gets to the biopsy stage, DO NOT look at the thing they use to take the samples beforehand.
I had a couple of DRE's (Digital Rectum Examination) last year when my PSA showed high (5.3) after a regular blood test for cholesterol. Once by my GP, once by a specialist. Had a biopsy of the prostate while awake. Wasn’t bothered too much by the nurse and the consultant poking around but felt sorry for the young female junior doctor who was just observing. Laying there on my side with my knees under my chin, I suddenly realised I was doing my best bulldog impression so I discretely repositioned my knackers to preserve some form of dignity. They 'harvested' 35 samples, one of which was cancerous so I had to have another one from a different area of the prostate, that one involved a general anaesthetic. When I went in the operating theatre, the surgeon was sheathing up what looked like a heated hair roller that I assumed was the ultrasonic device they insert in you to guide the probe - could have done with not knowing that! They took another 34 samples, all of which were clear. Had my first follow up consultation on Jan 2nd where I was told my PSA was at 2.9 (should be around 4 max for my age) and I was told that it is likely that it will never bother me in my lifetime. Just on a watch and see programme now but my next visit will involve another DRE. Not nice, but necessary.
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I had the latex gloved finger up the back, not a camera up the front.

Not what I'd choose to do for fun, but it didn't hurt.

Is that/was that not an option?

I had a serious blood loss into the oesophagus in August, rushed into hospital on B&T's semi conscious in the early hours. I had that same 'pleasure' twice within hours, whilst semi-conscious, plus an OGD (camera down the neck) again whilst semi conscious. I have just had the camera again last Friday, to confirm the bleeding has stopped. A week ago I had an ultra sound scan of my kidneys, aorta and bladder, due to concerns about their function and they found an enlarged prostate. More kidney checks with a specialist have been requested and a blood sample for the enlarged prostate. I have zero real issues, that are noticeable to me, but I seem to be falling apart :(
, all of which were clear. Had my first follow up consultation on Jan 2nd where I was told my PSA was at 2.9 (should be around 4 max for my age) and I was told that it is likely that it will never bother me in my lifetime. Just on a watch and see programme now but my next visit will involve another DRE. Not nice, but necessary.
Great news...Hope that is the end of those problems for you.
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Up the aris is not great fun...but yes i imagine via mouth is lots more unpleasant

If you mean OGD (camera down the throat), my first was in August when semi conscious due to blood loss - remembered little about it, so I was still worried the second times around. My second last week, was an absolute doddle - I had asked for the numb throat and some anaesthetic when completing the form. Nurse assessed me on arrival, I had used the bus rather than car - as I had been warned I would be groggy from the anaesthetic and made sure I was accompanied for the same reason. She raised concerns that I would be going home via public transport as I wouldn't be fit to, suggested I get a taxi. Even then, I was warned I would be 4 or 5 hours before I was even fit to move at all. No patient transport could be sorted in time, in view of the 4 to 5 hours - I agreed to risk it with no anaesthetic. Then the doctor came to assess me, she said I would be fit to go 1 or 2 hours after the OGD would I like to have anaesthetic after all, providing I agreed to getting a taxi home.. I agreed, so she whistled me straight in... The telephone assessment two weeks earlier had said I would be in and out in less than two hours.

Throat spray, IV for anaesthetic, bite gently on plastic guide thingummy in mouth and off we went, me fully conscious and giving thumbs up as the camera went down to confirm I was OK. With camera making its way down, I could feel my stomach seem to blow up (air?), which was the only very slightly painful part, but only slight.

After which they kept me on a trolley for 45 minutes and checked BP an pulse a couple of time, before saying I could get up, to sit in a chair for 15minutes, after which I was told I could go home. I felt absolutely fine and we made our way a mile across town walking to catch the bus. I told to expect a sore throat, it felt fine and I hate a good meal two hours after the op. They also warn not to operate machinery nor drive for 24 hours, but..

I'm not sure difference the anaesthetic made, but I never noticed any effect and would have been happy making my own way home after it, or even driving (though I would not take that risk). I went in laughing and joking with staff and came out laughing and joking with staff.

Would I go through it again - yep, no bother at all, absolutely nowt to it.
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