Thanks for all your replies.
When the injector seal goes doesn't this make a sound, I think it's called chuffing? I couldn't hear any noise.
The garage said the problem was a pipe, which they clipped back together, assuming this is correct, what would make it unclip and leak again? Can an injector leak back into the fuel pipe and build up pressure?
Cheers, Camerart.
I certainly cant disagree with this, but according to Ford, the leak is so slight as not to lose compression, but diesel fuel tends to get blown back around the injector
The symptom I found with this engine.....injector well full of diesel, blow it away with compressed air. After 15 minutes of running, the well is full again. No leaks at the leak off pipes! Swapped injector - just the same. Renewed the copper seal - just the same. You would think that fuel was leaking out of the side of the injector...but it wasn't!
One of life's great mysteries!