Forum Update

Good afternoon

I was hoping to change my username again and searching for the link to that. Sadly I could not locate it.
Could you please direct me to that as I wish to change my name here.

Many thanks in advance

It’s under account details, so if you click your username at the top, then select account details, it should link from there.
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So it seems the forum update/software/whatever it’s called is now similar to that of another forum I use. It doesn’t do it all the time, which is better than the other forum, but still does it. What happens is, you can be typing away in a thread, and I don’t always look what I’m typing, and when punctuation is used, it will sometimes delete the previous letter. Is there a fix for this, or put up with it?
I’m getting that too. Normally when I've finished a sentence, add a full stop and find the last letter missing.

I've not noticed this so far, I will investigate further. Which devices were you using at the time it happened?
Yep, iPads/iPhone are all I tend to use, but it didn’t do it before the update. Something else I’ve noticed recently, when I have alerts: I don’t always know I’ve got them, and sometimes it’s classed as being read, when I’ve not clicked on anything.

Screenshots can be provided if needed.
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The colour scheme currently in use is extremely poor for people that have vision problems.
I.e. the additional pages links on a new posts page are barely visible against the background.
Plenty of spammers seem to be joining up since the update. Can’t remember that on the old system.
The colour scheme currently in use is extremely poor for people that have vision problems.
I.e. the additional pages links on a new posts page are barely visible against the background.
Agreed it could be more prominent, I will look to improve this.
I still cant see the “like” button
Thanks/likes still not 100% finished. To use the 'like' reaction, if you hover your mouse over the 'thanks', then the 'like' option will appear. If using mobile, hold your finger on the 'thanks' and the like should appear.
I may be late to the party as I have been AFK for a while.

Regarding the comments about the colour scheme. There is less areas of dark colour which makes the site look lighter.

I think that there should be more distinction between threads with unread posts. The only difference is the title is in bold, maybe bring back the new post image, or highlight the row with a different colour.

Other than that, it's something new to get use to.
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