Good ole Junker

2 Feb 2006
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United Kingdom
Top negotiator Junker, getting Trump to back down against the mighty EU.

Following his White House talks, and after his news conference with Mr Trump, Mr Juncker claimed a "major concession" from the US president was a promise not to increase tariffs on cars and auto parts during negotiations.

Quitters will be seething.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Is it not funny how we all have different views on who buckled.
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Trump Bluster then backtracking. US autos delivered their quarterly results yesterday and tarifs on steel prices were the talk of the town and farmers issuing warnings about the effects of his dumb trade war.

In any case the EU played a blinder, now they have moved away from a trade war with USA, they are positioned best for any fallout between the US and China.

Just as we decide to leave, it's like they want to take the Mickey.
Top negotiator Junker, getting Trump to back down against the mighty EU.

Following his White House talks, and after his news conference with Mr Trump, Mr Juncker claimed a "major concession" from the US president was a promise not to increase tariffs on cars and auto parts during negotiations.

Quitters will be seething.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

"We fax them our terms, and tell them where to sign".
Negotiate? :whistle:
"We fax them our terms, and tell them where to sign".
Negotiate? :whistle:
Poor Brig does not understand the difference between a heavyweight like the EU and the minnow UK.

Oh look, here is the quote AND its context...…

When describing the US approach to trade negotiations with single countries in RoW, a US official said:

"we fax them our terms and tell them to sign"

Project fear, eh?

Did Obama know what he talking about?

Did Trump?

I've highlighted it for Brig and any other RWR that will have trouble understanding simple sentences.

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