Front of the queue in US trade negotiations

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
well there's a funny thing.

"Britain has been pushed behind the European Union in the queue to strike a free-trade deal with the United States, officials in Washington have said.

President Trump has softened his opposition to negotiating with the bloc as a whole after attempts by his officials to open talks with individual European nations were rebuffed."

"Trump has previously been a vocal supporter of Britain leaving the EU. He described Brexit as a "beautiful thing" during his presidential campaign and described himself as "Mr Brexit" upon the Britain's decision to vote to leave the EU in June.

The US President appears to have shifted his position on the issue, amid concern for what Britain leaving the EU could mean for the US economy and jobs market.

In a 45-minute meeting with European Council President Jean-Claude Juncker and Commission President Donald Tusk, Trump expressed concern about Brexit and voiced appreciation for free market economics advocated by the EU, sources in Brussels told the Guardian. "

"Brexiteers like Nigel Farage celebrated Trump's victory in the US Presidential election as the businessman-turned-politician promised to put Britain at "the front of the queue" when it comes to negotiating a post-Brexit trade deal.

However, Trump has poured cold water on this pledge, according to multiple reports. The US President has re-evaluated his priorities and put the EU in front of Britain in the queue for free trade, the Times reported in April. "

Never mind, I'm sure everything will be absolutely fine.
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When describing the US approach to trade negotiations with single countries in RoW, a US official said:

"we fax them our terms and tell them to sign"

Project fear, eh?

Did Obama know what he talking about?

Did Trump?
If corbyn gets in the UK will be in the que to get in the que ;)

As for the EU they were negotiating with the USA for what 7 years & the only agreement was to agree to disagree :LOL:

Blimey they could not even agree on Hot dogs & turtle wax.

The US team came to the conclusion that the EU team were a bunch of fruit cakes who were incapable of finding there back sides in the dark with both hands. not unlike him again.
As for the EU they were negotiating with the USA for what 7 years & the only agreement was to agree to disagree :LOL:
You underestimate the power of a trump. Quitters seriously believed that Trump the Liar would put isolated Britain before that huge trading bloc Europe and especially Germany.

How naïve. Bless.
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When describing the US approach to trade negotiations with single countries in RoW, a US official said:

"we fax them our terms and tell them to sign"

That's not really true though is it. Think Canada, mexico, Australia etc.
Trump is an incompetent liar when it suits, and an all-seeing oracle of authority, again when it suits.
You underestimate the power of a trump. Quitters seriously believed that Trump the Liar would put isolated Britain before that huge trading bloc Europe and especially Germany.

How naïve. Bless.

well yes :)

and thank you :) (bless)