Government opt out of Organ donership?

If you were able to help them, would you not? How close a friend are they? You seem to suggest, that you would leave a dying friend, dead?

How can I do both of the suggestion you suggest?

Would I let a friend die?

Would I leave a friend dead?

Rather not really. But a few things could stop me assisting.

Not the same blood type....................thats a killer for a start.
Not there in time. Another killer.
Not black........brown, wots it they like to be called now, its so confusing........does make a difference. But I would.

Would willingly die giving organs to my sons and ex wife if needed, and my new girly.

Now where were we? Oh yeah.........what have you done for your mate?

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My mate has an immediate kidney issue, and will die, if he doesn't get a transplant soon, and you lot take the micky. literally.
I have not 'taken the micky' and I'm not taking the micky now. If this 'kidney issue' is so 'immediate' here's an idea... instead of bleating on about how you
hadn't really considered my position on this...
Why don't you make a decision to try and help him by getting yourself screened to see if you're a match?

Why don't you? Or anyone of your friends? That was the question.
What are your ethics?

Was the question.
The bigger question is what are your ethics?

You always evade a question you ask, try ti be origional. Answer one yourself truthfully.
Why don't you? Or anyone of your friends? That was the question.
You STILL haven't grasped it have you? You're asking for peoples opinions/views on this issue and yet you're not willing to tell us, or are STILL 'considering your position' on this!

You took the time to post about this, you're telling us how 'immediate' you're mate's issue is, if you feel so passionate about this why is it taking you so long to 'consider your position' and/or why are you so guarded about YOUR position?
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My mate has an immediate kidney issue, and will die, if he doesn't get a transplant soon, and you lot take the micky. literally.
I have not 'taken the micky' and I'm not taking the micky now. If this 'kidney issue' is so 'immediate' here's an idea... instead of bleating on about how you
hadn't really considered my position on this...
Why don't you make a decision to try and help him by getting yourself screened to see if you're a match?

Why don't you? Or anyone of your friends? That was the question.
And there we have it. Someone elses problem but most certainly not yours eh?

You could have a point.

But as this was a replllyy effin cor mins hics a konspiricy
You could have a point.

But as this was a replllyy effin cor mins hics a konspiricy

lerrn howw to smell..spell..before judgeing me.....

Go on, lost for words and critizise anothers DELIBERATE mispelling.
Where yours is dire as well as all other "laws" of the language.
Damn, even your replies are dire now.
Drugs wearing off?
In essence, idiots in society deserve to die at some stage, but if they die, and give their body parts to other idiots, then biology fails. But people here, asking stupid questions, should die.

my son is mentally handicaped and by the very definition "an idiot" and he would jump a queue (he doesn't know any better) but im sure his organs are ok
so he deserves to die?
you moan about abusive posts?
I have read this thread with a personal interest regarding organ donation, 5 years ago I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer. Over the last 5 years I have suffered a lot of pain and discomfort but I am now in a stable condition and still working, but the threat of the cancer breaking out is ever present.
My oncologist had asked me many times would I undergo clinical trials of new drugs and I always said no up until about 6 months ago and this is what changed my mind.
My wife and I was in the restaurant at the Christie hospital, just across the way from us was this young lad aged about 10 with his mam and dad, it was obvious that the lad was under treatment for cancer and I thought to myself that this kid had probably been ill for all his short life, I, at the age of 70 in September have had a full and happy life so later that day when I had my chemo session I told my oncologist to sign me up for the clinical trials and also organ donation, that is to say that I would wish them to use any organ that is of use to any other sick person.
Organ donation is an emotive subject, but think about it? donate organs and give someone a quality life.
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