Government Rwanda plan ...

and on your last point - the new bill will make the reverse a fact
The Tory govt are putting a bill through govt in some weird attempt to change observable facts.

It is the sort of thing that happens in Belarus not a supposedly democratic country like the UK

this is a shameful event in this once great country.
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You aren't, seriously, pretending that Brexit put a stop to immigration?
Nothing will ever stop immigration but Brexit has certainly reduced it for low paid exploited European workers and their associated families.
Nothing will ever stop immigration but Brexit has certainly reduced it for low paid exploited European workers and their associated families.
The evidence shows immigration makes very little difference to unemployment or wage rates for U.K. citizens

supported by a number of studies

In fact overall EU workers contributed more taxes than British people
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Nothing will ever stop immigration but Brexit has certainly reduced it for low paid exploited European workers and their associated families.

Cunningly avoided.

And instead has brought in low paid exploited Indian and Chinese workers and their associated families.

You aren't, seriously, pretending that Brexit put a stop to immigration?
This Rwanda plan has all the hallmarks of a tory election stunt.
However Suneks legislation to nobble the courts, people should be aware of the law of unintended consequences.

This bloke makes some good points.

The fact that the bill does not allow ministers to override the European convention of human rights is one but just as worrying for the right of the party is the ability of asylum seekers to challenge deportation under domestic law. Clause 4(1)(b) of the bill makes it explicit that even if Rwanda is now deemed a safe country, an individual can still argue they have particular individual circumstances that would make it unsafe.

“It’s the UK courts that will be the problem, not the international ones,” said one MP. “We are giving the green light for lawyers to line up to argue that each one of their clients has their own particular circumstances which make Rwanda unsafe.”

Pollsters say curbing immigration is important to voters. A survey by Ipsos last month put it second on the list of Tory voters’ priorities, though only 10th on that of Labour voters.

“The government has been doing things which bring down the numbers, like signing a returns agreement with Albania. But rather than drawing attention to those successes, the party seems to have decided it will only be a success if we deliver Rwanda. It’s completely bizarre.”


Still, another donation of £100 million to the Rwandan Relief Fund will be a welcome addition to the £140 million already spent on this Farrago. Almost a quarter of a billion quid spaffed up a wall with nothing to show for it.
Anyone who still believes the Tories are the party of fiscal responsibility is not paying attention.
You aren't, seriously, pretending that Brexit put a stop to immigration?
You aren't, seriously, pretending that Brexit put a stop to immigration?
You can repeat that question as many times as you like and my answer will still be the same - it has given the U.K. the right to choose what workers we want or need from the 26 countries in the EU who could and did come over at will along with their families to undercut British workers and have automatic access to our education, health, housing and welfare systems. Don’t make yourself look sillier than you are by asking again.
In fact overall EU workers contributed more taxes than British people
In fact overall EU workers contributed more taxes than British people
Hmm, it does need some sort of closer scrutiny.
Did you mean per person, or per category, or per sector, or some such like that?

A study by Oxford Economics (2018), commissioned by the Migration Advisory Committee, estimated the net fiscal contribution of EEA migrants in the financial year (FY) 2016/17 at £4.7bn, compared to a net cost of £9bn for non-EEA migrants. During this period, the UK was running a budget deficit, so the UK-born were also estimated to have made a negative net fiscal contribution (of -£41.4bn).

The most recent Government data show that EEA nationals pay more in income taxes and national insurance contributions than they receive in tax credits and child benefit​

£300 bloody million, so far, for a stupid scheme that was never going to work. :evil:
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