Government Should Not Handle Brexit

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I think government should not be tasked with negotiating Brexit.

A group representing all relevant political parties should be formed and tasked with the job.
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There aren't going to be any negotiations. They will make ridiculous non negotiable demands, and we will walk away, out by Christmas.
They should of course, just leave everything to the EU masters . After all, they know better than us Brits (apparently) Just give us the massive bill, pay it and leave. Yeah, we could always borrow the amount to pay the bill , from the German banks.
What bill? The EU accounts have never passed an audit, so how can they demand imaginary amounts of money?
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Hardly an unbiased biased source. Interesting statement, that 80% of the budget is managed by member states. So that means that only 20% of the budget is audited by the EU, yet they find a 4.4% error of the total EU budget is acceptable. Using round figures total budget 140 billion less 80% is 28 billion, 4.4% of 140 billion is 6 billion. Therefore the discrepancy is 28 billion - 6 billion = 22 billion. That's an unacceptable discrepancy of about 20%.
A group representing all relevant political parties should be formed and tasked with the job

So the Lib Dems not wanting to leave could be trusted to work in accordance with those that do. And although Labour now say they will respect the will of the people, yet intend to continue with unrestricted migration, will help negotiate on one of the key factors for us leaving. And the SNP who want an another independence referendum, can also be trusted to negotiate on GBs behalf, even though they (supposedly) want to stay in the EU.

Yup, I guess that could work.
It surely is a better solution to get several parties together to hammer out a deal than to leave it to one?
In an ideal world, I'd agree with you completely, but in todays toxic political environment, the analogy that a camel is a horse designed by a comitee springs to mind.

The Lib Dems argument is that we didn't know what we were voting for during the referendum but we did; we voted to get out of the EU, and trusted those in charge to negotiate the exit terms. To now let a conglomerate negotiate what they think the terms should be, is to go against what was voted for. Corbyn, and Farron would negotiate everything in favour of staying in the EU, so it would be an impossible attempt to negotate anything favourable for the UK.
clegg would ensure no agreement on brexit, he's after a job with the EU, and we all know height of his moral standing, lower than a snakes belly.

Just a few days ago he was warning us all that the sharing of information regarding criminals and terrorists will stop, a bare faced lie, but that's the only thing he's good at.
For the most part the Government won't be negotiating'll be those glorious unelected bureaucrats known as the Civil Service, although admittedly under the instructions of the Government
There aren't going to be any negotiations. They will make ridiculous non negotiable demands, and we will walk away, out by Christmas.

We can't afford to walk away. No deal would be crippling - they hold trump cards in that department which is why this whole thing is such a farce, we'll have to agree to a deal or we're totally f*cked. For example, no deal would mean a loss of access to European airspace. None of the airliners, freight planes or military planes stationed here on the day we walked away would be allowed into Europe and almost certainly wouldn't be allowed into America either, as the deal that allows us to fly to the US is an EU one. Just imagine that for a second, for an indefinite amount of time huge amounts of supplies into the UK including imported food would be cut off, families on holiday stranded for an indefinite period, businessmen unable to travel, the UK's £65bn aerospace industry unable to shift its goods abroad by air, airline companies which contribute a huge amount to our economy losing millions of pounds which they'll expect to be reimbursed by the government. That is one of the many realities of a "no deal" situation, and one reason why it's going to be impossible for us to negotiate a better deal than we have inside the EU. They can hold that like an axe over our heads if they choose to, and if they do we will have to agree to whatever they offer us.
what they think the terms should be, is to go against what was voted for...

The only thing that was voted for was "leave" or "remain"

Starting the day after the vote, the quitters were emphatic that none of their promises were to be taken seriously. £350m to the NHS? No. Stop immigration? No. Free access to single market? No. Fast trade treaty with US? No. Keep the UK united? No.

You have not had, and will not be offered, the chance to vote on what "Brexit" means.

You will not be offered the chance to vote on your priorities and objectives. You will not be told what are the UK government's priorities and objectives. You will not be offered the chance to vote on any agreement that might be proposed or signed.
Your best chance JD is to vote for the terrorist supporter corbyn.
Then you'll have a united Ireland, independent Scotland, and a bad brexit deal that leaves whats left of the split up UK neither in nor out of the eu.
And whats left of the army shooting flowers at your enemies instead of bullets. Tee heee... fnurr fnurr.
A "banner wavers" utopia.
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