Greenpeace: Arctic 30

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
You may have heard the story about what has happened to the Greenpeace ship and its crew.

My Dad got this email from Greenpeace and passed it on to me.

If anybody is interested in helping them, please read the following.

Dear Greenpeace members,
I write to you in the hope that you can help.
My parents and I are still in shock at what has happened to Kieron and the rest of the Arctic 30. We feel devastated that Kieron's life could be torn apart by decisions that seem to make no sense in any way.
We have heard very little from Kieron since he was taken to the detention centre in Murmansk. Just a brief phone call on the day the boat docked and a solitary letter written 10 days ago. Although it was of some comfort to hear from him on both occasions, we are worried for his state of mind in conditions that will be totally alien to him.
With the sadness that has affected us all comes an anger and determination to fight for him and help to secure his immediate release. I urge you all to do the same, for him and for the 29 other families that are experiencing the same panic and fears that we face.
Thank you for emailing the Russian embassy asking them to release the Arctic 30. Now, we need many more people to do the same. Please forward this email to three of your friends and ask them for their help.
Thank you all for your support,
Russell Bryan, Kieron's brother
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They would get help if they weren't so aggressive and a nuisance!
Our eco-warriors are beginning to realise that, whilst they can get away with all sorts of things in this country, Russia and others are not as soft on troublemakers as we are.

They made a choice; let them live with it.
I have a feeling that those criticising the Greenpeace volunteers wouldn't have the balls to put themselves in a similar position even if they cared about something very deeply...

They will of course also be the ones bleating the loudest when things go wrong, and another area of our planet gets destroyed!
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I have a feeling that those criticising the Greenpeace volunteers wouldn't have the balls to put themselves in a similar position even if they cared about something very deeply...

They will of course also be the ones bleating the loudest when things go wrong, and another area of our planet gets destroyed!

Let Greenpeace get their way, and lets see how long this planet lasts for.

They are nothing but an annoyance on industry, whats all that smoke coming out of that big chimney on their ship? Idiots!
I have a feeling that those criticising the Greenpeace volunteers wouldn't have the balls to put themselves in a similar position even if they cared about something very deeply...

They will of course also be the ones bleating the loudest when things go wrong, and another area of our planet gets destroyed!

Let Greenpeace get their way, and lets see how long this planet lasts for.

They are nothing but an annoyance on industry, whats all that smoke coming out of that big chimney on their ship? Idiots!

Greenpeace played a big part in reducing atomic bomb testing.
Your sorry arze would probably be eaten by cancer now if it wasn't for these brave people. And it probably will anyway.
You have my sympathies.
I believe in peaceful protest, but climbing up an oil rig and ramming Russian boats can be dangerous for everyone involved.

What to they hope to achieve? To stop the Russians drilling for oil?

And no, I wouldn't have the balls to do such things. I'd like to think I have more sense.
People like that would want us all to go back to a pre-industrial age.

As a previous poster said, where does the fuel for their vessel come from? And what was their vessel built of? re-cycled wood/plastic bottles or what?

They'd do bettter to get proper jobs.
I have a feeling that those criticising the Greenpeace volunteers wouldn't have the balls to put themselves in a similar position even if they cared about something very deeply...

They will of course also be the ones bleating the loudest when things go wrong, and another area of our planet gets destroyed!

Let Greenpeace get their way, and lets see how long this planet lasts for.

They are nothing but an annoyance on industry, whats all that smoke coming out of that big chimney on their ship? Idiots!

Greenpeace played a big part in reducing atomic bomb testing.
Your sorry arze would probably be eaten by cancer now if it wasn't for these brave people. And it probably will anyway.
You have my sympathies.

If you are going to type something, don't type absolute nonsense!!

This is an organisation that believe the world can be powered by clean energy only.....yeah right!!

You only need to google some of the things they attempt to do...The founder of Greenpeace himself now criticises the organisation.

The do some good yes in small cases, but they would do more damage if they got their own way, FACT
I have a feeling that those criticising the Greenpeace volunteers wouldn't have the balls to put themselves in a similar position even if they cared about something very deeply...

They will of course also be the ones bleating the loudest when things go wrong, and another area of our planet gets destroyed!

Let Greenpeace get their way, and lets see how long this planet lasts for.

They are nothing but an annoyance on industry, whats all that smoke coming out of that big chimney on their ship? Idiots!

Greenpeace played a big part in reducing atomic bomb testing.
Your sorry arze would probably be eaten by cancer now if it wasn't for these brave people. And it probably will anyway.
You have my sympathies.

If you are going to type something, don't type absolute nonsense!!

This is an organisation that believe the world can be powered by clean energy only.....yeah right!!

You only need to google some of the things they attempt to do...The founder of Greenpeace himself now criticises the organisation.

The do some good yes in small cases, but they would do more damage if they got their own way, FACT

This is an organisation that believe the world can be powered by clean energy only

And so it could if it wasn't for peoples greed.

but they would do more damage if they got their own way, FACT

Tripe. Type out a list on how GP would damage the environment if they got their own way. ( He won't) :LOL:
This is an organisation that believe the world can be powered by clean energy only

And so it could if it wasn't for peoples greed.

Why am I greedy for wanting an electricity and gas supply to my house?

Would Greenpeace prefer it if we used candles for lighting and built a little campfire in our back garden for keeping warm and cooking?

If Greenpeace had their own way there would be little windmills everywhere, and I mean absolutely everywhere, and the world would still come to a grinding halt. Nuclear power is the only answer to our power needs, but they still insist that it came out of Satan's bottom.

Greenpeace live in Cloud Cuckoo Land.
Left wing activist groups like this always lie and spout propoganda. They posted a video to "disprove" the claim by the russians that greenpeace rammed their boat. In the video however, you can see plain as day, the greenpeace boat turning to the security forces boat, continuing on that course and T boning it.
I wouldn't say it was greed that is the sole reason although it plays a part. A bigger problem is people seem to think they have the right to consume as much energy or anything else for that matter.
As to nuclear being the "answer" then that's incorrect. But , likewise renewables aren't an answer either , or fracking or whatever. There isn't an answer that doesn't involve curtailing consumption. I feel the only real option we have is to adopt TEQ's and accept that in the long term our standard of living may well have to decline a bit.
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