Homeless people's deaths 'up 24%' over five years

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Oh, is that what you think?

Or is it just what you say?

Show us a few examples.

If you think you can.

See Sodthisforfun's post No 83 -2 examples quoted there.

Remainers love to adopt the moral high ground, but their sweeping generalisations are at the root of considerable division.

Sure, a tiny minority of leavers will be racist. But just because people have concerns over immigration, does not make them either racist of zenophobic.
Blair LOL indeed. We've not had a conservative government for a long time; there is nothing conservative about the current "Conservative" Party.

Tony Blair made radical changes, the consequences of which we are now suffering. Cameron and then May have not reversed any of it; they have simply continued his work. This is a process I've seen repeated throughout my lifetime: Labour sweep everything away bringing in radical and damaging changes; the public eventually get fed up and vote Conservative; the Conservatives then come in and do bugger all and get called the nasty party for talking big but yet doing bugger all.

The Labour Party, works very hard - it never sleeps. Its activists run rings round their Conservative equivalents everywhere.

In 2015 the Conservatives got 11 million votes and UKIP 4 million - that is a right wing landslide, but the Conservative Party constantly betrays its voters. Conservative Party members today are either left wing career politicians or bumbling old village green duffers. The country is crying out for right wing leadership but there is none.

The treasonous Conservative Party are conservative in name only. They are now trying to give us Brexit in name only. Blair was a little more subtle with his language manipulation.

I wish I could share your view, Ive always been on the moderate Right in the past, but the last decade of politics in this country has caused a lot of damage. Look at police numbers, NHS, changes to benefits, PIPs, zero hours contracts, allowing state owned assets to be privatised but sold to foreign states

. When Theresa May did her speech outside Downing street when she became minister, she said the Tory party would be the the party to help the poorest and the just managing.

Since then, universal credit, personal independant payments etc have pushed more and more people into homelessness and reliance on food banks.

I dont see more Right wing politics being the solution. I dont see the current Labour party being much of a solution either sadly.
Politics in the UK is in an apalling state, Its time for some radical changes
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Of course, there are plenty of hate-filled RWW on here who still really believe that those from certain races or religions do get preferential treatment.

They believe this as a matter of faith, the lack of evidence is of no concern to them, and they will keep on spewing out their hatred until they die or are shut down.
There are those, some of whom are regular contributors to this forum, who adopt any emotive issue to manifest their xenophobia/racism/bigotry.
Far-right and far-left extremists use abuse for own agenda - Sarah Champion

A couple of quotations from that article:
"People on the extreme left and right "are using some of the most abhorrent abuse of children for their own political agenda",
A "justice" campaign was set up in her name, and the story attracted right wing groups to the city - including Britain First, the political organisation set up by former BNP members.
The cause was taken up by Tommy Robinson - real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon ...
The founder of Justice for Women and Children, Natasha Allan, set up the group ...
"We've also found posts on Natasha Allan's personal Facebook page, including: "Islam is the evil of this world and they are taking over just by having baby's… if because i think Islam is evil makes me a racist then yeah I'll take that".
Amongst them is Natasha Allan's brother Tommy Allan,...
He has been convicted for his part in the Dover Riots in 2016...
He's a member of the North East Infidels, a group that the counter extremism tsar for England and Wales Sara Khan describes as "extreme right wing".
She (Sara Khan) said that the far right were increasingly using the language of human rights of free speech and even women's rights."

I would add that some even use animal's rights to promote their far-right agenda.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with championing human rights, free speech, women's rights or animals' rights, but when they are championed by those that exhibit far right sympathies, their motive will be suspect and potentially dilute or divert the real issue. Those that succumb to adopting such issues, to promote their far-right tendencies deserve all the contempt that they receive.

I dare say the same could be said about the Brexit - racist issue.
If those with known far right sympathies are also ardent Brexiteers, it is easy to associate the two.
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... I think the amount of people who shout 'racist!' at every single viewpoint that says anything unfavourable about anything to do with another race/minority does as much damage as those who are full on racist. ...

What is wrong with "shout 'racist!' at every single"..."full on racist"?

Are there degrees of racism?

I had a dream last night, it was similar, in one way, to another dream I had many years ago. (Before any silly suggestive comments, it wasn't even slightly damp!).
First of all, I usually sleep so deep that I very rarely remember my dreams. For many years I would swear that I never dream.
At the time of my first remembered dream, I thought, when I woke up, what a weird dream! It was about those that would go to heaven when they die, and I dreamed that only those who held a certain biscuit (YES! biscuit!) would go to heaven. Those that held the wrong type of biscuit would not go to heaven!
Of course, I thought at that time, how weird!

Last night I dreamed about a peoples' champion, who offended the very people that they were supposed to be representing, because they were sloppy in their choice of words.

Now one would be forgiven for thinking how can the two dreams possibly be similar.
But they are, in that most of our thinking consists of concepts. Concepts, of which the vast majority are socially constructed concepts. Race, religion, honesty, politics, prejudice, competitiveness, recreation are all socially constructed concepts.

We are all unique, in our own little ways. Each of our own social experience was, and continues to be, unique.
So it is little wonder that each of our own socially constructed concepts will be unique. And that is where the majority of disagreements occurs, because my socially constructed concept differs from your, or his, or hers, socially constructed concept.
So when we disagree about issues, it is a disagreement over what my opinion is compared to your, or his, or her, opinion.
Without our individual, uniquely socially constructed concepts, there would be no disagreement. So neither of us are wrong, or right.
We just have different opinions.

  • I happen to think that "people who shout 'racist!' at every single viewpoint" is an enormous exaggeration. An expression used to emphasise your point, but in reality and close inspection, detracts from your point.
  • There are no degrees of racism. There is no such thing as "full on racist". A racist is a racist.
  • there are far fewer posters that "shout 'racist!' at every single viewpoint" than there are posters who post "full on racist" comments in this, and other forums, (I'm not just referring to DIY forums.)
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I dare say the same could be said about the Brexit - racist issue.
If those with known far right sympathies are also ardent Brexiteers, it is easy to associate the two

Yes but remainers take the view all those that voted leave are tarred with the same brush.
Yes but remainers take the view all those that voted leave are tarred with the same brush.
As John quite rightly pointed out, your suggestion is an exaggeration, and like sodthisforfun's comment, detracts rather than empahises your point.
It detracts because the use of an exaggeration demonstrates the flimsiness of your suggestion.

As I said, it is easy to associate the two.
If those with extreme tendencies sympathise with a political issue, the sensible action would be to politely say, sorry we do not want your support because it jeopardises our message.
As John quite rightly pointed out, your suggestion is an exaggeration

It certsinly is not an exaggeration.

You are one of the worst.
Every time a person on here mentions they have concerns about immigration, you immediately take the stance they are racist. All you are achieving is shutting down any discussion and increasing division.

Remainers dont like being told they are divisive, it doesnt suit their moral high ground stance.


... All you are achieving is shutting down any discussion
Whatever your suggestion is, and it's not accurate, does it, has it shut down discussion?
It hasn't and it doesn't, from where I'm sitting. Quite the reverse it stimulates discussion.

and increasing division.
I'm very comfortable with being separated from the racists.
But that is a cynical response.

Can you honestly believe that outing racism is more divisive than the racism itself?

But exaggeration is the name of your game:
It ... is not an exaggeration.
You are one of the worst.
Every time a person on here ... you immediately ...

MOD: Another thread that has run it's course.
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