Homeless people's deaths 'up 24%' over five years

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17 May 2012
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United Kingdom
Remember, every homeless person is a victim of society - they have been failed by the state that should be supporting them. Whether running from abuse, suffering PTSD from military service, ex-cons with no hope or drug addicts, they have all been failed.

And we are making more of them, and killing them, faster than ever before.


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Having lived in the USA - I was shocked at the level of homelessness. Now I see it in the UK.

I agree it's a blight and shame on us all.
It's a good time of year to get involved in schemes that help the homeless, perhaps at your local church or community centre ? I was thinking about doing something myself over Christmas with the free days as theres only so much free time I can have before I start going mental.
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I'm seeing more and more third world immigrants on a council estate near me, yet locals who want council houses can't get them. Why are we housing foreigners at the expense of our own people? Charity begins at home.
And yet what future to they have?

I pass the same ones every day, and have done for several years. They don't want housing, they don't want jobs, they just want to live that way and survive on handouts.
Not true. And you have had the forum idiot/fantasist thank you for it.

Stupid RWR.

Typical garbage from our resident libertard. A post big on insults, but small on truth, facts and reality.

No matter how many times you childishly cover your eyes and chant "I can't see anything, I can't see anything!" - the facts are still there for others of a more mature and open-minded disposition. Fact - there is a massive shortage of council housing in Bristol, and most other cities in The UK. Fact - we give these houses to third world chancers and parasites.


Even the rag of choice for flakes knows what you don't know, Nosey.

Typical garbage from our resident libertard. A post big on insults, but small on truth, facts and reality.

No matter how many times you childishly cover your eyes and chant "I can't see anything, I can't see anything!" - the facts are still there for others of a more mature and open-minded disposition. Fact - there is a massive shortage of council housing in Bristol, and most other cities in The UK. Fact - we give these houses to third world chancers and parasites.


Even the rag of choice for flakes knows what you don't know, Nosey.

Well done for showing there is a shortage of social housing in the UK. Pat yourself on the back, Einstein

However, your statement I quoted is still not true.
Rising rents seem to be the main cause. The reasons for which are mainly due to Government policies around house building and lack of social housing.

But blaming everything on immigration is a mantra of RWR. I wonder what do you do as a day job that fills you up with so much hatred and anger.
But blaming everything on immigration is a mantra of RWR.

You're twisting my point as all LWRs on here do. I never blamed the shortages of council housing on immigrants. I was saying how wrong it is to give them to asylum seekers when there are massive shortages. Different if we had surplus housing - but we don't. But don't let me stop you spouting drivel and twisting things.

As for Nosey, I have no stats for the asylum seekers. I have something far better - my own eyes. But Nosey only believes official stats. That tells you all you need about the level of stupidity we're dealing with here. His eyes are closed to everything.

Anyway, LWRS are indoctrinated with pc garbage that they repeat ad nauseam. (Good nickname for Nosey). No point in stretching this into a 10 pager, so I've said my piece. Will leave you girls to keep trying to deny reality.

P.S. It's not the immigrants I hate. Can't blame them for trying it on, I suppose. It's the treacherous politicians and moronic liberals who keep trying to shout others down with babyish words like 'hate' all the time who I reserve my disgust for. They sound like records.
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Tell me where do asylum seekers get housed? It's under contracts run by companies such as g4s.

Tell me how many people were granted asylum last Yr?

14767 from 26350 applications.
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