Hope The Thug Goes To Prison

  • Thread starter cumbriahandyman
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Yep the way my country is going we may as well lock up a police officer for 'pushing' a troublemaker in the height of a riot situation. Why not.

This country has gone completely Mad.
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Yep the way my country is going we may as well lock up a police officer for 'pushing' a troublemaker in the height of a riot situation. Why not.

This country has gone completely Mad.

But he did not just push him, while his back was to the thug, the thug struck him and then with excess force pushed him to the ground.

The thug lied to the court and jury in an attempt to cover up his unlawful use of force.
I am really glad the inquest jury has reached this right decision. Not only have they blamed the police officer involved, they have also discredited the original pathologist who carried out the post mortem examination.. It's now up to the Metropolitan Police to do their duty and charge the police officer with manslaughter as a minimum. Review their policy where protests are concerned and make sure all police officers involved in protests are clearly identifiable. They should not be allowed to cover their faces with scarves nor remove identifying numbers from their uniform. Let's hope the Met now do the right thing.

As CHM has said, Ian Tomlinson wasn't just pushed from behind. Officer Harwood was completely out of order that day. Had Ian not been forcefully shoved to the ground (with apparent intent, I might add), He'd probably still be selling newspapers today. This officer did cut his life short, through lack of judgement and stupidity.
We've had this discussion before.

I will never agree with you boys on this one.

The very foundations of law and order are f*cked, not because of this particular troublemaker, but because of the do-gooders choosing to champion any cause that will bring down the very structures of decency that we all used to live by.

I think your wrong.......but I'll shut up.
We've had this discussion before.

I will never agree with you boys on this one.

The very foundations of law and order are f*cked, not because of this particular troublemaker, but because of the do-gooders choosing to champion any cause that will bring down the very structures of decency that we all used to live by.

I think your wrong.......but I'll shut up.

He was not a trouble maker he was a worker trying to get home.

Letting the police unlawfully kill people will do nothing for law and order.

The police need to adhere to the structures of decency and the law that allows them to use force in the right and lawful circumstances.
Dunno LMB, You've obviously seen the footage filmed by an American businessman. Watch the footage carefully, do you see Ian Tomlinson doing anything wrong that would have warranted such aggression from Harwood? I certainly didn't. (unless we've watched completely different footage.)
This is what is being reported in the press.

"Criminal proceedings could now reopen against Pc Simon Harwood after jurors ruled he acted illegally, recklessly and dangerously in shoving Mr Tomlinson to the ground.

Pc Harwood used “excessive and unreasonable” force in hitting Mr Tomlinson with a baton, the jury said. They added that Mr Tomlinson posed no threat"

So as you see, ordinary members of the public ,(in a more influential position than us here on the forum are) have made their minds up about it. And they have had access to more resources and information than we could ever have .
Last Tragic Bean is being his/her usual ignorant self...

And seeing things that normal people don't... ;)

The Jury/inquest system is our only defence against state corruption, which is no doubt why it is under threat!

This particular plod may now be put in front of a criminal court, but I won't hold my breath..

"To many, today's verdict will seem like a statement of the blindingly obvious, however this fails to take account of the significant and many obstacles faced by the family over the last two years to get to this decision."
That sums it up nicely !
Had Ian not been forcefully shoved to the ground (with apparent intent, I might add), He'd probably still be selling newspapers today.

Doubt it. He'd have drunk himself to death long before now.

He was a chronic alcoholic stumbling about out of his head in the middle of a riot.

If he hadn't been pushed, he'd probably have fallen down all on his own.

I'm not saying the copper was in the right, but it's all too easy for the armchair warriors on here to critcise (with the benefit of hindsight and all the time in the world to assess all the factors) the split second decisions and actions someone in the front line.

What next? Jailing soldiers for shooting suicide bombers without trying to talk them out of it first?
The Lawful verdict returned, is after all evidence has been heard and presented to a jury of twelve. This jury have returned a verdict of unlawful killing. and quite rightly so. It doesn't matter whether he was an alcoholic or not.,whether he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. No one deserved the hit with the baton and then the forceful malevolent shove that followed. Even if he'd been part of the protests and had been breaking the law at the time, he didn't deserve the sort of treatment he received at the hands of that officer and thug.
The Lawful verdict returned, is after all evidence has been heard and presented to a jury of twelve. This jury have returned a verdict of unlawful killing. and quite rightly so. It doesn't matter whether he was an alcoholic or not.,whether he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. No one deserved the hit with the baton and then the forceful malevolent shove that followed. Even if he'd been part of the protests and had been breaking the law at the time, he didn't deserve the sort of treatment he received at the hands of that officer and thug.
And that says it all...

Except of course the plod apologists will still maintain that black is white...

In the same way as they still condone the shooting of innocent electricians... ;)
None of the officers on duty that day "deserved" to have bricks, bottles and packages of excrement thrown at them by layabout scum.

Soldiers serving their country don't "deserve" to be shot at and blown up by roadside bombs.

Doctors and nurses don't "deserve" to get assaulted at work by people they are trying to help.

We routinely put those serving us into impossible situations and expect them to act with 100% restraint and professionalism at all times. I just can't bring myself to totally comdemn anyone doing a difficult job under extreme stress who snaps once and does something they shouldn't.

Not while there are still young scotes getting assigned social workers and sent on exotic holidays for going out to deliberately batter and rob pensioners.
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