I think the bus driver lost it.

Just been watching the video again and at the cyclist going head over sh**e. :LOL: :LOL:
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Should have ploughed over the tit as he pulled the wiper blades.

As before its the only transport on the road you only need to breathe to be able to use.
They never signal use the pavements and as before a lot have bald tyres and no brakes. No lights and or bell.

Sooner they have to take a test the better ( At school we did or we were not allowed to ride to school).
Funny thing is that now the pr*ck has been named.
Local cyclists should wait for his release and give him a wee welcome home party ;)

I used to get regularly cut up on my commute by the usual arrogant SUV drivers trying to drop their kids off at a local primary school in Dundee, and used to wonder what kind of example they were setting in light of the fact their kids were probably of a cycling age.

People who don't tolerate cyclists have one thing in common. They don't cycle. They get their licence at 17 and suddenly forget what got them around for the last ten years and turn into Clarkson-esque tw*ts....

And like most of the GD members they're now too f*cking old or too unfit to cycle anyway.... ;)
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At school we did or we were not allowed to ride to school

Yeah and then Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo and cycling proficiency tests took a wee back seat in light of the war.... :rolleyes:

I'd put a tenner on 90% of GD posters having last ridden a bike with a fixed gear or maybe those new-fangled state-of-the-art Sturmey Archer 3 speeds.

(But probably more experience with wheelchairs and/or motorised scooters of late?)
I used to cycle loads - but not in peak hours getting in everybody's way. I still do but keep to the country parks and back roads.

It's the tw*ts on the ring-road getting in the way of thousands. Get them off the main roads in peak hours.
Don't you see the problem then Joe? If cyclists are in effect relegated to a stance whereby they won't go on the road for fear of other vehicles, or as is the case(especially where I live) you see the SUV's with multiple bikes strapped to the back for "off road use" only, then motorised vehicles see less of them on the road(BTW i prefer road cycling), take even less care, and more accidents happen!

By "self regulating" we are making things worse. The attitude to cyclists in this country is appalling.

We've all seen it- idiots overtaking in the most stupid places(I commute 75 miles each way of the notorious A9) to save a minute or two on a journey, and when you get to the junction/roundabout at the end of the road they're still visible one or two cars ahead. Maybe we need a system of licensing whereby every five years you get it revoked and go back to cycling or a moped...you'd soon regain respect for two wheelers.
What really pi*ses drivers off is when you overtake a cyclist - you give him room. When you get to the lights - the twonk weaves through to the front - and you overtake him again - but with less room. Then you get to another set of lights - and you have to overtake him YET AGAIN! FFS - stay at the back of the queue. :evil: :evil:
Can see your point. But when a cyclist is coming up to a junction/roundabout say turning left, you can do this and pull out when appropriate often without stopping and getting in no-ones way. But then a car overtakes you, closes down any gap and stops at the junction/roundabout totally(usually women, who can't make any movements without grinding to a halt first)
You then pass them again and at the next junction it happens again.

Try staying behind a cyclist and see how fluent their manoeuvres are and learn something.

We have a roundabout next to our workplace, it's a laugh cos it's traffic light controlled, watching folk driving like mad c*nts when the lights go green but they're timed so well you can't get through the next light it always turns red.
It's easy to be 'fluent' when you are a slow moving vehicle where you have loads of time to do your observations, which takes us back to joe's point - when you overtake queued traffic you once again become an obstruction and irritation to all of them who have to wait to over take you safely. Is it any wonder people lose patience and cut you up?
Cajar- your post is classic. You can't see that by burbling along behind the cyclist, using less fuel/brake pads/discs in your idiotic accelerate>brake routine on a road you're probably very familiar with, is the solution to the real problem. Don't overtake them if there's lights 100yds ahead. Use your brain FFS.
(That's if you're not texting/phoning/f*cking with the sat nav/Iphone/Iplayer/MP3/CD/Radio or generally shouting at your partner or unruly brood of sprogs messing with your attention span...hence making that pesky cyclist that more irritating when you finally notice him at the last minute before killing him...)
Cyclists are generally fluent. I will add though that some are complete and utter c*cks. I think it was on here that someone posted a vid up of some utter fan*y who had such a bad attitude and was riding so aggressively i think even I would have battered him...
Are you seriously suggesting cars should travel at 15mph whenever a cyclist decides to appear on the road? Never heard anything so ridiculous.

And if there are lights 100 yards ahead, I certainly will overtake. Then I'll pull in sharply leaving no space to the kerb to ensure he cant filter there. Invariably they decide to mount the pavement and jump the red light.
Are you seriously suggesting cars should travel at 15mph whenever a cyclist decides to appear on the road? Never heard anything so ridiculous.

And if there are lights 100 yards ahead, I certainly will overtake. Then I'll pull in sharply leaving no space to the kerb to ensure he cant filter there. Invariably they decide to mount the pavement and jump the red light.

What if you're driving down an industrial stretch of road, no houses, just storage units, factories, car parks... so a short bit of road, but looks safe enough, but as you drive along, you notice a family group on the pavement... mum, dad, pushchair, and three young kids, all holding hands, but bumping into each other, tripping over, bickering... do you slow down, move away from the kerb and pass safely? or do you think f*ck it... it's their loss and accelerate?
Cajar- Don't overtake them if there's lights 100yds ahead. Use your brain FFS.

I can't believe i'm reading this selfish b*llocks :LOL:

What the F*CK gives you the right to say what he can and can't do on a road he presumably contributes towards.

What do YOU pay???? F*CK ALL
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