I'm voting Labour

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State Monitoring or controlling communications ect is what communist states do or use to do ;)

Corbyn ;);)

Yes exactly ;)

NSA and Five eyes says Hi.

Democratic nations monitor as well.

Telling Tranny The Truth Today

NSA and Five eyes says Hi.

Democratic nations monitor as well.

Telling Tranny The Truth Today


Some members of the 5 eyes have reservations about corbyn and if he can actually be trusted with sensitive information

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The Americans will. Probably only pass on very sensitive security info. To our security services on the understanding that it will. Not be passed onto to PM corbyn ;)

MI5 already have a large growing file on Corbyn ;)
They had one on Wilson which was opened in 1947

Code name Worthington because of his friendship with a civil servant known to be a communist

Corbyns file is probably code named

Adams or Maginess :LOL:

Or maybe Hamas :LOL:

Or perhaps Bald Shevick :LOL:

Than again for accuracy perhaps they used the code name
Be** End :LOL::LOL::LOL:
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Corbyns file is probably code named

Adams or Maginess :LOL:

Corbyns file is actually named 'Hercules', after his 'orse.

Some members of the 5 eyes have no reservations about Trump, and are absolutely certain that he can't actually be trusted with sensitive information


"In an April 29, 2017, phone call, Trump told Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte that the U.S. had positioned two nuclear submarines off the coast of North Korea. This was during a time when Trump was warning of a possible "major, major conflict" with North Korea.[52] The locations of nuclear submarines are a closely guarded secret, even from the Navy command itself. "As a matter of national security, only the captains and crew of the submarines know for sure where they're located."[53]

On May 24, 2017, Britain strongly objected to the United States leaking to the press information about the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing, including the identity of the attacker and a picture of the bomb, before it had been publicly disclosed, jeopardizing the investigation.[54] British Prime Minister Theresa May issued a public rebuke, and British police said they would stop passing information to U.S. counterparts.[55]

In July 2017, after a private meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin at the 2017 G20 Hamburg summit, Trump took the unusual step of confiscating and keeping his interpreter's notes. This led U.S. intelligence officials to express concern that Trump "may have improperly discussed classified intelligence with Russia."[2]

On August 30, 2019, Trump tweeted a reportedly classified image of recent damage to an Iranian missile site that supposedly occurred as a result of an explosion during testing. Multiple concerns were raised regarding the public release of what appeared to be a surveillance photo with exceptionally high resolution, revealing highly classified U.S. surveillance capabilities.
Trump is a loose cannon and will. Probably be slung out by the voters next year or impeached

Which is doubtful???

Corbyn is anti American and anti Nato and always has been and cannot be trusted with sensitive Info
"Israeli officials stated that it is Israel's "worst fears confirmed" about Donald Trump. The officials also stated that Israeli intelligence officers were "boiling mad and demanding answers" on its current intelligence-sharing agreement with the US.[35]

On May 22, while visiting Israel, Trump appeared to confirm both the disclosure and the identity of Israel as the source, telling the press "Folks, folks, just so you understand, just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name Israel during that conversation."[36] It had been widely reported before May 22 that Israel was the source.[37][38]"

Don't tell him, Pike!
Those wonderful Tories that tell us how Brexit will 'get back control' have already flogged em off to foreign owners already
And no doubt Tory mates had a nice earner out all those deals

We cant leave the EU -they already own us

EDF French
nPower German
Scottish power Spanish
E.On German

British Gas......its British (y)

and 60% of UK energy supply comes from abroad

railway operators
Chiltern German
Cross country German
Docklands light railway French
Essex Thameside Italian
Gatwick Express French
Grand central German
Greater anglia Dutch
London midland French
London overground German
Northern German
Scotland Dutch
Southern french
South Eastern French
Thameslink French
Tyne and Ware German
Wales and Borders German
Merseyrail Dutch
Eurostar Belgium / Fremch
Heathrow express Singapore
Heathrow connect Singapore.

UK blood plasma supplies sold to US business by Tories
rest of NHS to be announced :eek:

I'd support "re-nationalisation" if it meant taking all the above out of foreign hands; but that's not what Corbyn means. He is more a representative of anti-Britsh interests than anything else, so I will remain Corbyn-neutral.
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